Tuesday, September 26, 2017

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In the 09/27/2017 edition:

PUBG Beginner's Tips

By GameSpot Staff on Sep 26, 2017 11:22 pm

Battlegrounds Ready

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds can be an intense multiplayer experience, but the only way to really learn how to play it is to actually jump in. The battle royale-style game pits up to 100 players against each other, with the single goal of being the last player standing.

With no tutorial, single-player mode, or other traditional ways to pick up how the game works, most players just have to spend lots of time getting killed in Battlegrounds in order to learn the ropes. But with a little information about the essentials, you can cut the learning curve significantly. Here are 12 essential tips to get you started in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds that'll help you hit the island running.

Speed And Smarts

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds starts with up to 100 players parachuting onto a giant island. The goal is to fight and survive to be the only person left, and in practice, that means you'll need to mix stealth, combat, and situational awareness to take out other players and avoid getting dropped yourself. Right from the beginning of the match, you'll have control in the air as you descend onto the game world. During this time, you can see other players and move your character to avoid them.

Part of what makes Battlegrounds so interesting is its scope. The island is huge, allowing you to explore a big chunk of it for weapons, and features varied environments from power plants to houses to forests make for a lot of surprising encounters. But to win, you'll need to be both quick and intelligent. When moving around, sometimes it's best to holster your weapon to pick up speed. Though you will be more vulnerable, sometimes it's more important to move quickly.

Pay attention to your surroundings, both indoors and out, and try to anticipate where other players might be waiting for you, especially when you check buildings--even the bathtubs, as they're a common hiding spot. Stay out of the open as much as possible and outsmart players by being patient and, to some degree, cautious. Your only goal is to stay alive, so sometimes, avoiding a fight is better than picking one. You can often get further in a match by letting other players do your dirty work for you and then picking them off when they're vulnerable. Just know that players who do more killing often end up with better gear, which can stack the deck against you as you get into Battlegrounds' later moments.

Learn (And Adjust) The Controls

The first thing you should do out of the gate is spend some time familiarizing yourself with the game's controls, and making any adjustments you desire. There are a lot of inputs to remember, and you'll need all your skills to play effectively. Among the most important is the ability to turn your head by holding down the Alt key (by default). In third-person view mode, holding Alt allows you to swivel the camera so you can see all the way around you without moving. This is essential, since the island is a huge place, and you constantly need to be on the lookout for other players. Everyone is gunning for you, and only by being more aware of your surroundings than your opponents will you emerge victorious.

You'll also want to familiarize yourself with crouching and going prone, which minimize how visible you are and dictate how much sound your character makes while moving. Also, holding the ALT key can reduce the speed of your character, making them more quiet. Other handy controls include the B key, which lets you switch your weapons' firing modes, and Tab, which opens your inventory screen and quickly loot nearby bodies within a short distance. Managing your inventory quickly and efficiently is a key part of PUBG, so more on that later.

Be Aware Of The Circle

In PUBG, you can't just wander the island for as long as you want, wherever you want. Eventually, the play area constricts; if you check the in-game map with the M button, you'll see a white ring designating the new play field, with a timer in the bottom-right corner of your display. When the timer runs out, another blue ring begins to rush toward the white one. If you're caught outside the white ring when the blue one arrives, you'll start to take damage--and the longer the game goes on, the more quickly the blue forcefield will kill you. So in addition to hunting down and fighting other players (or avoiding them), you need to continually make your way into the white circle to avoid dying. And each smaller circle means there's a better and better chance you'll run into other players as the battlefield becomes ever smaller.

In fact, a big part of every PUBG match is knowing where the circle is and how it'll affect you. Smart players use the circle as part of their strategy, using it to predict other players' movements and to ambush them as they flee its deadly contractions. You'll often see people waiting on bridges and at other choke points where they know other players are forced to pass to keep inside the circle. Thinking about where the circle will force players to go, and anticipating bad situations when you're forced to move, will help you survive.

What To Know About Your Gear

When you first drop onto the island in PUBG, you'll have only the clothes on your back. If you happen to encounter a player immediately, you can punch them, but every drop is a race for the nearest buildings, and with them, guns. You'll find guns and other equipment almost exclusively inside buildings, so most of the time, you'll want to move from structure to structure.

Your primary concern at the outset of the game is to get armed, but you also will need more than guns. Gear in PUBG includes body armor, backpacks to lug your stuff, and health items. In every game, you immediately want to seek out a vest and helmet for protection. However, higher tiered gear can protect against the more vulnerable areas of your body, such as tier 3 helmet offering a facemask to protect against head damage. These won't make you invincible, but they allow you to take a lot more damage and use up less healing items before dying.

Armor items and backpacks come in three tiers, with the third being the rarest and most effective. Most of the game is about checking buildings for better stuff, and you can expect other players to be doing the same. By the later stages of any match, expect your opponents to be pretty well decked out. Never stop looking for better gear, whether it's in the buildings you stop by or on the players you kill.

Manage Your Inventory

Even with the biggest backpacks and best gear in Battlegrounds, your ability to carry equipment is limited. You can only cram so many first aid kits, energy drinks, and ammo boxes into your pockets. A lot of PUBG is about knowing what to take and what to leave behind, and setting up your weapons with useful attachments as quickly as possible.

You can open your character's Inventory screen with the Tab key, but know that you're vulnerable while you're messing with the menus. On the Inventory screen, you'll see three weapon slots for two rifles and a pistol, along with spaces for equitable armor. When you stand near gear you want to pick up, you'll see it arrayed in the top-left corner of the screen. Experienced players use the inventory screen to pick up almost all of their stuff, instead of the E key. You can drag items directly to where they go on your character, which cancels the "pick-up" animation that leaves your character vulnerable for a second or two. Once you get familiar with what gear goes where, this seemingly small consideration might save your life as you grab a gun or ammo in a clutch moment.

Knowing how to prioritize stuff in your inventory is extremely important. For instance, you only want to carry ammo for the guns you've got with you. While it's tempting to pick up tons of bandages, they can only heal up to 75% health, and you may be better off keeping a few on-hand till you find a proper medkit. Grenades can be effective, but their uses are pretty limited. As for attachments for weapons you don't have, unless they're very rare and potentially useful if you find the right gun, they're just just dead weight and will clog up inventory space--especially for lower tiered backpacks that holds less space.

While you want to find as much good gear as quickly as possible in PUBG, you also want to throw away anything you're not getting much use out of. Ammo for your assault rifle is much more important than ammo for your pistol, for instance. And even though your Tier 3 body armor might be damaged, it's still more effective at stopping bullets than a Tier 1 vest.

It's All About Sound

Situational awareness is essential in PUBG. The island is so big that it's possible to go for long periods without seeing any other players, but catching sight of people before they see you is essential to making it all the way to the end. Even more important than sight, though, is sound.

Sound carries quite a way in PUBG. Fire a gun and you'll be heard for a huge distance around you, often drawing more players to your location. Driving the few vehicles in the game create even more sound, announcing your position to everyone in the area. But even at a local level, footsteps make a huge amount of noise. You'll often hear players before you see them, and being able to gauge the locations of noisy players and ambush them is an important skill--as is knowing where players might be waiting to do the same to you.

It's highly recommended that you play Battlegrounds with a solid pair of headphones, preferably the wrap-around kind that support stereo sound. Your best assets in the game aren't your guns but your ears. Most of the times you'll encounter other players, you'll hear them long before you see them.

Loot And Scoot

In PUBG, it's important to keep moving and to constantly seek out better equipment. Hiding out in a good spot in the middle of the circle might seem like a great idea, but often you'll handicap yourself--you might make it to the Top 10 in a game where you hide out in an attic for 20 minutes, but you'll often be underpowered compared to the players who have been battling it out for the entire match. It's important to balance caution with taking risks, and to learn which situations call for which approach.

In general, though, you'll want to check a building as quickly as you can, get everything you need from it, and move on. But be aware of your surroundings. For players just starting out, a good thing to watch for are open doors. All the doors in PUBG are closed by default, and doors standing open were definitely opened by players. But you can also close doors behind you, which is a great way to throw someone off your trail or set up an ambush by making a building look untouched when you're actually hiding inside. If you suspect an enemy might be nearby but the exterior doors on a building are closed, one good strategy is to check the windows. Interior doors are also closed by default, so if you can look into a building from the outside to see open doors on the inside, you might avoid walking into a trap.

It's also worth noting that the biggest, most interesting buildings--apartments, the power plant, the military base, the school, and so on--often house the best gear. However, they also attract the most players who have the same idea to trek into large spaces for more valuable gear.

Learn The Good Weapons

There are a ton of guns in PUBG, and they're not all equal. Some are good for different situations--a shotgun can be devastating in close-quarters interior combat but next to useless out in the field. Most guns can also support a number of attachments, from suppressors to better stocks, that change how they handle and can make middling weapons into powerhouses.

Your general approach should be to try to find assault rifles like the M16A and the AK-47. These guns are reliable in a variety of situations and are great up close or at range, especially when you find scopes for them. Sniper rifles are rare and also worth snagging when you can find them, especially if scopes are plentiful. As you get better at PUBG, you'll find getting the right guns and the optics to go with them is a big part of outfitting yourself to make it to the late stages of the game.

But if you can spend time messing with each gun, preferably in combat, figuring out what weapons you personally like and do well with is better than any generalized advice. Learning the weapons of the game and getting comfortable with them will also make you more adaptive. Know where your strengths lie and play to them, while increasing your skills in areas they don't. A big part of the Battlegrounds experience is learning the ins and outs of the guns so that you can do well, whether you have your favorite weapons or something you found in an emergency.

Healing And Boosting Are Essential

Other key items you'll find in Battlegrounds are first-aid kits, medkits, bandages, painkillers, and energy drinks. These all constitute healing items, but they don't all work in the same way. Bandages, for instance, will restore 10 percent of your health, but only up to 75 percent of your maximum. First aid kits are the same way: They'll heal you any amount up to the 75 percent threshold. Only rarer Medkits and boosting items--painkillers and energy drinks--can fully restore you to 100 percent healthy.

Boosters work differently from straight-up health items. Using an energy drink or a painkiller fills a small bar located above your health bar, which indicates your boost level. At the first level, your character will gradually heal, which means you can use boosters to restore yourself to 100 percent from 75 percent health, but gradually, over several seconds. Using more boosters will give you other benefits, like a slightly increased run speed and quicker gun handling, that can be essential in the late game.

But it's important to note that all healing items don't work immediately. You'll have to stay still for several seconds as you deploy them. That means in order to use a first-aid kit or drink an energy drink, you'll be vulnerable. Plan accordingly.

Watch Out For The Red Circle

Occasionally, you'll see a bright red circle appear on your minimap. This is a warning to get to cover if you're in the affected area. After a few seconds, bombs will start to explode randomly across the area covered by the red circle for a short period, adding another way you can meet your death in PUBG.

Red circles are by no means an instant death sentence, however. If you're running through a red circle and you've got no shelter, you should keep running and hope for the best. If you're in a car, you can often successfully drive through, However, houses can be difficult to survive in during a Red Circle, as the event can damage windows and doors, blowing them out and harming any players nearby. But of course, the red circles should be avoided, as they're potentially deadly at worst, and noisy and distracting at best.

Use Cover

When you do eventually get into a fight with another player, knowing where to stand and how to protect yourself is extremely helpful. Bullets never penetrate through trees, making them great cover, but bushes only make you hard to see, not hard to kill. Doors won't stop incoming fire, but walls will. You can also use the Q and E keys to lean left and right, allowing you to peek out from behind cover or around a corner to take shots without exposing your entire body.

When you get killed in a fight, try to pay attention to where you were and what you did wrong. Were you standing right in front of a door when an enemy decided to blow it out with their shotgun? Did you strafe the wrong way around a tree? Learn where you're safe and where you aren't, and then use that knowledge to limit the situations in which you're less safe than the enemy.

Play Smarter Than The Competition

All the best guns and gear in PUBG don't hold a candle to your most important weapon: Your brain. Battlegrounds is a game about assessing situations quickly and dealing with them accordingly. That means that just because you hear gunfire in the distance doesn't mean you go charging toward it, and just because you see an enemy 100 yards off doesn't mean you start unloading in their direction in the meager hopes you might rack up a kill.

Discretion is the name of the game in Battlegrounds. Knowing when you are an effective fighter and when you're not, and turning the situation to your advantage, is what the game is really about. In practice, that means you should almost never fire your gun. Unless you're confident you can take out the other player, opening fire is like unfurling a giant "Come kill me" sign above your head. Shooting at someone and failing to kill them risks providing them with the knowledge of your location, giving them a better chance to kill you. And that's to say nothing of the other curious players who might come to investigate the noise.

Being smart doesn't necessarily mean being meek, though. For a lot of new players, it's easy to give into the tension of Battlegrounds and to find a place to hole up to wait for the end of the match. Not only is that boring, but it won't teach you anything. It can be useful to drop into some of the busiest locations in PUBG, like the centers of towns or the military bases, and get into some fights. The game currently doesn't include a killcam or any other way of seeing who kills you and from where--so if you hide in an attic all game before being forced to make a run for the circle as it contracts, only to get sniped by some player you never see, you won't learn anything. And learning is how you become better.

So don't be afraid to try, and fail. The odds are 99 to one that you'll die in a PUBG match. Don't fear death or get frustrated by it; embrace it and let those experiences make you better. Battlegrounds is a game about outsmarting other players, and it takes a lot of losing to learn how best to do that.

Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - All The Weapons, Gear, And Rewards

By Oscar Dayus on Sep 26, 2017 08:34 pm

Everything You Need To Know About Destiny 2's Faction Rallies

Destiny 2's Faction Rallies are now live, bringing with them exclusive rewards packages including weapons, armor, and shaders. Three factions are currently available, each of which you can pledge your allegiance to and hence work towards those rewards.

To join a faction, simply talk to its leader in the Traveler. Arach Jalaal (who represents the Dead Orbit faction) and Lakshmi-2 (Future War Cult) are situated in the Hangar, while Executor Hideo (New Monarchy) is currently in the Bazaar. You can see their locations and what gear they have to offer (that we've gotten our hands on so far) in this gallery, along with the exclusive "powerful" weapon that each one offers.

You can obtain these items by trading them for Rewards Tokens, which you earn by "destroy supplies in Lost Sectors and doing Public Events, Crucible matches, strikes, and the Leviathan Raid." The Powerful weapon, meanwhile, will be sold to all players next week for 50,000 glimmer, though members of the winning team will only need to part with 1,000 glimmer. The winner will be named at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM BST on October 3 (3 AM AEST on October 4 in Australia). For more, check out the latest Destiny 2 update 1.0.3 patch notes or our Destiny 2 raid guide.

Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Executor Hideo (New Monarchy)


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Executor Hideo Location


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Powerful Weapon


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Weapons


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Weapons


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Weapons


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - New Monarchy Weapons


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Arach Jalaal (Dead Orbit)


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Arach Jalaal Location


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Powerful Weapon


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Weapons


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Weapons


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Weapons


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Dead Orbit Weapons


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Laksmhi-2 (Future War Cult)


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Laksmhi-2 Location


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Powerful Weapon


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Gear


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Weapons


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Weapons


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Weapons


Destiny 2 Faction Rallies - Future War Cult Weapons


Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus - Perks Gallery

By Array on Sep 26, 2017 07:30 pm

The Skills Of War

With the Nazi scourge right in our backyard, B.J. Blazkowicz and the American Resistance will be bringing the fight up close and personal in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. Using many skills and techniques picked up during their campaign, they'll come up with some rather violent and efficient ways to kill Nazis and smash all their war machines.

During a recent hands-on session with the campaign, we get to look through an assortment of skills in the various upgradable Perks that can be applied to B.J. throughout the game. With several levels of mastery, each Perk can become more powerful as you learn to be efficient and skillful in your Nazi dispatching ways. Here's a list of all the Perks found within the Stealth, Mayhem, and Tactical trees.

Stealth 1

Stealth Takedowns: Silently killing soldiers from behind using stealth takedowns.

Reward: Increase movement speed in crouch.

Enigma Codes: Collecting enigma codes found by searching dead commanders.

Reward: Commander alarm signals are jammed, delaying alarm activation.

Stealth 2

Thrown Hatchet Kills: Killing enemies by throwing hatchets at the target.

Reward: Increased total hatchet capacity.

Quick Commander Kill: Killing commanders before they activate alarm.

Reward: Increased damage with suppressed weapons.

Stealth 3

Takedowns or tampers: Performing takedowns on or tampering with robotic enemies.

Reward: Get Laser-Kraft and Blitzen-Diesel ammunition when tampering.

Constrictor kills: Killing enemies while using the constrictor harness.

Reward: Increases movement speed when using constrictor harness.

Mayhem 1

Grenade Kills: Killing enemies by using the Handgranate.

Reward: Increased grenade capacity.

Heavy weapon kills: Killing enemies using heavy weapons, such as the Hammergewhr.

Reward: Increased magazine size in detached heavy weapons.

Mayhem 2

Dual-wield kills: Killing enemies while dual-wielding weapons.

Reward: Increased total capacity for carried ammunition with more clips.

Overcharged kill: Killing enemies while health is overcharged.

Reward: Slower deflate on health overcharge.

Mayhem 3

Combat takedowns: Killing opponents using combat takedowns when up close to the enemy.

Reward: Increase speed of regenerating health.

Ram shackle kills: Killing enemies by tackling them while using the ram shackle ability.

Reward: Increased amount of armor from dropped enemy armor pieces.

Tactical 1

Kills by burning: Killing enemies by using flames, such as the Dieselgewehr.

Reward: Reduced damage taken from Blitzen-Diesel.

Electrical stun kills: Stunning mechanical enemies by the use of electrical damage, then destroying while incapacitated.

Reward: Reduced damage taken from laser weapons.

Tactical 2

Enemy grenade kills: Killing enemies grenade by using their own grenades, for example by shooting at it before it's thrown.

Reward: Longer time before enemies grenades explode.

Environment kills: Killing enemies by making use of explosive objects in the environment.

Reward: Reduces damage taken from explosives.

Tactical 3

Headshot kills: Killing enemies by shooting them in the head.

Reward: Increased damage when aiming down the sight.

Battle Walker kills: Killing enemies while using the Battle Walker ability.

Reward: Increased amount of ammunition from enemy dropped ammunition.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus - Weapons And Upgrades Gallery

By Array on Sep 26, 2017 07:30 pm

Weapons Of War

In Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, the Nazi army has entrenched itself in the U.S.A, seeking to change the culture of the country to fit its twisted worldview. With B.J. Blazkowicz leading the resistance, he'll come across all manner of Nazi weaponry and tech that he has every intention of using against its creators.

During our recent hands-on time, we got try out a large list of weapons and equipment that B.J. Blazkowicz, AKA Killer Billy, used with deadly proficiency against the Nazi menace. Expanding upon the attachment system from The New Order, you'll be able to apply various attachments and upgrades to your weapons, making them even more deadly. Here's a quick run through of the many guns you'll come across in The New Colossus.


A standard-issue side-arm frequently used by Nazi Commanders. Useful when engaging light armored enemies at close-range.

Pistole Upgrades

Magnum: Higher damage output, increased recoil. Louder.

Extended magazine: Doubles up the handgun magazine size.

Suppressor: A handgun equipped with a suppressor fires silently. Highly efficient when trying to sneak through a hostile area.


High calibre automatic rifle used by Nazi Elite soldiers. Useful when taking enemies at close range.

Sturmgewehr Upgrades

Marksman Scope: Increased accuracy and damage, but fires single shot instead of fully automatic.

Armor Piercing: Bullets pierce armor and thin sheets of metal. Highly efficient against heavily armored and mechanized enemies.

Jungle Magazine: Doubles magazines taped together for a quick swap between the first two magazines instead of reload.


A standard-issue sub-machine gun used by regular Nazi soldier. Its high fire-rate makes it useful for taking on multiple enemies at close-range.

Maschinepistole Upgrades

Nailgrun: Heat-up bullets before leaving the gun, making them travel slower, causing much more damage on impact.

Drum Magazine: Doubles up the Maschinepistole magazine capacity.

Integral Suppressor: A maschinepistole equipped with the integral suppressor fires silently. Highly efficient when trying to sneak through a hostile area.


A heavy and powerful triple barrelled fully automatic combat-shotgun.

Schockhammer Upgrades

Rotor: The rotor upgrade rapidly loads all three barrels of the Schockhammer, allowing you to fire three shells at once in rapid maximum damage output.

Extended magazine: Doubles up the Schockhammer magazine capacity.

Ricochet: Shrapnel pieces ricochets when hitting a hard surface, causing additional damage to nearby enemies.


A single-shot handgun that fires high-explosive ammunition, useful for taking out multiple enemies simultaneously.

Kampfpistole Upgrades

Rocket: Grenades travel straight forward and detonate on impact.

Shoulder stock: Updates the Kampfpistole grip to rifle grip, which almost eliminates recoil.

Spring loader: Hold the trigger to charge up and fire up to three grenades in rapid succession.


A weapon that is very efficient against heavily armored and mechanized units. The Laserkraftwerk fires high energy laser beams. It also has the ability to melt thin sheets of metal.

Laserkraftwerk Upgrades

Scope: Enhanced zoom while aiming.

Battery Upgrade: Doubles up the Laserkraftwerk battery power capacity.

Supercharge: Hold the trigger to charge up and fire extremely powerful laser beams.


High explosive grenade.

Handgranate Upgrades

Fragmentation: When thrown, the fragmentation will break into high-velocity metal fragments, shredding nearby enemy skin and bones to pieces.

Diesel: When thrown, the diesel infused grenade will cause a wide radius of fire, burning anyone within its range.

Electromagnetic: When thrown, the electromagnetic grenade will emit electronic pulse, disabling all electronics within a blast radius for a short period of time.

WWE 2K18: Every Confirmed Wrestler On The Roster

By Mat Elfring on Sep 26, 2017 03:04 am

This October, 2K Games will release the next game in its WWE franchise: WWE 2K18. Seth Rollins was revealed as the cover star of this year's game, and more recently, John Cena's career will be highlighted in the deluxe edition of the game, which you can see the contents of above. The biggest news came from early July when it was announced the game will be available on Nintendo Switch. We also discussed some of the changes to this year's game with 2K devs.

For WWE 2K18, the publisher has stated this year's roster will be the biggest one yet, topping last year's edition, which had 177 playable characters, including DLC. Here are the playable characters revealed so far, and we'll be updating this gallery as more are revealed up until its release in October.

Click here to jump ahead to the first batch of roster reveals: 47 characters [August 16]

Click here to jump to the second batch: 35 characters [August 23]

Click here to jump to the third batch: 41 characters [August 30]

Click here to jump for the fourth batch: 45 characters [September 6]

Click here to jump to the extra announcements: 5 [September 25]

Current number of playable characters: 178

New characters for this year (so far): 38

Seth Rollins (Raw)

Kurt Angle (Raw/Legend)

Preorder bonus

John Cena (Free Agent)

Batista (Legend)

Deluxe edition bonus

Rob Van Dam (Legend)

Deluxe edition bonus

Bray Wyatt (Raw)

The biggest surprise from the first batch of reveals came from all the members of NXT's Sanity appearing in this year's game.

Dolph Ziggler (Smackdown)

Sami Zayn (Smackdown)

Dean Ambrose (Raw)

Baron Corbin (Smackdown)

Kalisto (Raw)

Akira Tozawa (205 Live)

Sin Cara (Smackdown)

Hideo Itami (NXT)

Eric Young (NXT)

Jinder Mahal (Smackdown)

Bushwhacker Butch (Legend)

Bushwhacker Luke (Legend)

Konnor (Smackdown)

Viktor (Smackdown)

Cesaro (Raw)

Sheamus (Raw)

Karl Anderson (Raw)

Luke Anderson (Raw)

Nikki Cross (NXT)

Alundra Blayze (Legend)

Emma (Raw)

Lita (Legend)

Summer Rae (Raw)

Paige (Raw)

Brie Bella (Retired)

Nikki Bella (Smackdown)

British Bulldog (Legend)

Buddy Robert (Legend)

Diamond Dallas Page (Legend)

Big Boss Man (Legend)

Mark Henry (Raw)

Bam Bam Bigelow (Legend)

Bret Hart (Legend)

Dusty Rhodes (Legend)

Undertaker (Legend)

Big Show (Raw)

Andre The Giant (Legend)

Kane (Smackdown)

Diesel/Kevin Nash (Legend)

Luke Harper (Smackdown)

Erick Rowen (Smackdown)

Sawyer Fulton (NXT)

Alexander Wolfe (NXT)

Killian Dain (NXT)

Braun Strowman (Raw)

Goldust (Raw)

Goldberg (Legend)

The second batch of reveals didn't have any huge surprises aside from NXT's Ember Moon. There was quite a bit of last year's WWE 2K17 DLC included in this batch.

Earthquake (Legend)

Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart (Legend)

Larry Zbyszko (Legend)

Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake

Greg Valentine (Legend)

Edge (Legend)

Godfather (Legend)

Eddie Guerrero (Legend)

Daniel Bryan (Legend/Smackdown)

Maryse (Raw)

Naomi (Smackdown)

Sasha Banks (Raw)

Bayley (Raw)

Ivory (Legend)

Natalya (Smackdown)

Mickie James (Raw)

Becky Lynch (Smackdown)

Tamina (Smackdown)

Ember Moon (NXT)

Kerry Von Erich (Legend)

Kevin Von Erich (Legend)

Jey Uso (Smackdown)

Jimmy Uso (Smackdown)

Mojo Rawley (Smackdown)

Zack Ryder (Smackdown)

Shinsuke Nakamura (Smackdown)

AJ Styles (Smackdown)

Bobby Roode (Smackdown)

The Miz (Raw)

Roman Reigns (Raw)

The Rock (Legend)

Randy Orton (Smackdown)

Triple H (Legend)

Brock Lesnar (Raw)

Kevin Owens (Smackdown)

The third batch of stars for the game included a few new 205 Live and NXT stars.

Samoa Joe (Raw)

Big Cass (Raw)

Rusev (Smackdown)

Finn Balor (Raw)

Chris Jericho (Smackdown/Legend)

Rick "The Model" Martel (Legend)

Mick Foley (Legend)

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat (Legend)

Jacqueline (Legend)

Rikishi (Legend)

"Macho Man" Randy Savage (Legend)

Mr. Perfect (Legend)

Lex Luger (Legend)

Razor Ramon (Legend)

"Ravishing" Rick Rude (Legend)

Vader (Legend)

Ric Flair (Legend)

Chad Gable (Smackdown)

Alexa Bliss (Raw)

Carmella (Smackdown)

Nia Jax (Raw)

Tye Dillinger (Smackdown)

Apollo Crews (Raw)

Dana Brooke (Raw)

Neville (205 Live)

Shane Thorne (NXT)

Akam (NXT)

Rezar (NXT)

Michael Hayes (Legend)

Jimmy Garvin (Legend)

Tommaso Ciampa (NXT)

Cedric Alexander (205 Live)

Asuka (NXT)

TJP (205 Live)

Roderick Strong (NXT)

Johnny Gargano (NXT)

Jason Jordan (Raw)

Nick Miller (NXT)

Dash Wilder (NXT)

Scott Dawson (NXT)

JBL (Legend)

The fourth, and final, batch of reveals came from IGN, and 44 more stars were added to the roster. However, this does not include DLC, which has yet to be announced.

Tatanka (Legend)

Typhoon (Legend)

Yes, we're aware the picture above is Tugboat.

Tatsumi Fujinami (Legend)

Booker T (Legend)

Trish Stratus (Legend)

Sycho Sid (Legend)

Jake "The Snake" Roberts (Legend)

Christian (Legend)

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (Legend)

Aiden English (Smackdown)

Goldust (Raw)

Big E (Smackdown)

Kofi Kingston (Smackdown)

Xavier Woods (Smackdown)

Sting (Legend)

Shawn Michaels (Legend)

Titus O'Neil (Raw)

Enzo Amore (205 Live)

The Brian Kendrick (205 Live)

Shane McMahon (Smackdown)

Alicia Fox (Raw)

Stephanie McMahon (Raw)

Ultimate Warrior (Legend)

Charlotte Flair (Smackdown)

Curtis Axel (Raw)

Bo Dallas (Raw)

Kassius Ohno (NXT)

Darren Young (Raw)

Rich Swann (205 Live)

Gran Metalik (205 Live)

Noam Dar (205 Live)

"Gentleman" Jack Gallagher (205 Live)

No Way Jose (NXT)

Primo Colon (Smackdown)

Epico Colon (Smackdown)

Tyson Kidd (Injured)

Billie Kay (NXT)

Peyton Royce (NXT)

Rhyno (Raw)

Curt Hawkins (Raw)

Heath Slater (Raw)

R-Truth (Raw)

Tyler Breeze (Smackdown)

Fandango (Smackdown)

Vince McMahon (Legend)

The head of WWE was announced for the game prior to his 9/12 appearance on Smackdown.

Albert (Legend)

Papa Shango (Legend)

Matt Hardy (Raw)

Matt Hardy announced on Twitter that he and his brother will be available in the Deluxe Edition of the game, through Season Pass, and as a pack on their own.

Jeff Hardy (Raw)

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