Sunday, March 18, 2018

Images from GameSpot Image Galleries On 03/19/2018

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In the 03/19/2018 edition:

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer 2 Breakdown And Easter Eggs

By Mat Elfring on Mar 18, 2018 05:11 pm

The latest trailer for Avengers: Infinity War is here. The upcoming film, which will be the longest Marvel movie to date, has all the heroes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including the Guardians of the Galaxy. Together, they'll join forces to fight the evil Thanos. The villainous space titan is trying to collect all of the Infinity Stones in order to rule the universe. Can the Marvel heroes join forces and work together in order to defeat this threat?

There is a lot going on in this new trailer, so we're breaking it all down to figure out what's going on in the new film and a few of the Easter eggs the trailer dropped as well. In addition, the trailer introduced us to a few new bad guys who work alongside Thanos, one of which could be played by Peter Dinklage.

If you're interested to see what happened to the rest of the heroes before the film, make sure to check out "Avengers Infinity War: Where Is Everyone?" However, we're still not sure where Hawkeye and Ant-Man are, as they don't appear in this trailer.

Avengers: Infinity War comes to theaters on April 27. The film is directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, the team behind Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War. Infinity War will be the first of two Avengers films directed by the Russos, which will completely change the landscape of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it. Let's breakdown what's going on in this new Infinity War trailer.

The trailer opens with an object entering the atmosphere above New York City. Gamora, the adopted daughter of Thanos, provides voice over as Bruce Banner, Black Widow, and War Machine look towards the sky: "The entire time I knew him, he only ever had one goal: to wipe out half the universe."

Gamora continues: "If he gets all the Infinity Stones, he can do it with the snap of his fingers."

Thanos adds the Space Stone to his Infinity Gauntlet, which he acquires somehow from Loki, who obtained it after the events of Thor: Ragnarok. Thanos already has the Power Stone in the Gauntlet, which was in the possession of the Nova Corps, but the mad titan has apparently already relieved them of it.

There is a quick shot of Peter Parker hanging onto the side of a bus, and he puts his Spider-Man mask on. He's still using the first suit Tony Stark game to him, so this shot is most likely from earlier in the film. The real question we have is "Was the training wheels protocol turned off?"

Villains sure do love attacking New York City, don't they? In a quick scene, we see a circular object in the background. We've seen this in the past, as Spider-Man was traversing one in the previous trailer. It's called a Q-Ship, but what is its purpose?

Groot Jr. is a baby no more. The son of the original Groot is now in his tween years, so he'll most likely be a bit more handy in battle. This is the only time we see Groot in the trailer.

Thanos looks best with his helmet on. The mad titan is somewhere in the universe, and it's apparent from the smoke billowing behind him that he is on the attack.

We quickly learn that this is essentially Gamora's origin story. Thanos comes to her planet, attacks, and takes the child with him. During consecutive shots, we see other green-skinned aliens standing behind the Chitauri guards. The bizarre takeaway from this moment is how willing Gamora seems to be to go alone with Thanos.

Within the trailer, there are a few scenes that show the true brutality and strength of Thanos. Above, you can see Thanos crushing Thor's head, and we have never seen Thor in that much pain in any of the films he's appeared in. Despite the fact he's the "second strongest Avenger," according to Tony Stark's computer (Thor: Ragnarok), he seems no match for Thanos.

Get ready for a new batch of bad guys. Accompanied by Loki, who has most likely turned on the heroes again, this is the Black Order--originally called Cull Obsidian in the comics. They are a group of Thanos's generals who are sent to Earth to destroy it. The team, which also goes by the name of "Midnight Slaughter," is made of up Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Black Dwarf (now called Cull Obsidian) and Ebony Maw. The character Supergiant is not pictured, and we're not sure if she's in the movie or not.

We quickly see Thanos crushing the Tesseract, which contains the Space Stone. Maybe Loki didn't betray the Avengers. Maybe this was all self-preservation as Thanos has been tracking the Infinity Stones, and Loki just happened to have one.

It looks like a lot of this movie takes place in Wakanda. We see Steve Rogers, Black Widow, Bruce Banner, James Rhodes, Sam Wilson, Vision, and Scarlet Witch all arriving together. During Civil War, they were fighting each other, so it's pretty obvious that the threat of Thanos has brought them all together. In addition, James Rhodes (War Machine) is wearing something around his waist and on his legs that helps him walk again, as he was injured by Vision in Civil War.

There is an overhead shot of what we can assume is the Chitauri attacking Wakanda. However, Wakanda's technology is incredibly advanced, and the city's force field seem to be holding up well to attack. Why is Wakanda being attacked though? Our guess is that the last Infinity Stone, the Soul Stone, resides in the country.

Much like Thor, Doctor Strange finds himself being dominated by someone during battle, with blades piercing his face. We have a pretty good feeling one of the Black Order is doing this to Doctor Strange, especially from the shot that follows.

Here's a closeup of Black Order member Ebony Maw. He is a master of manipulation and can affect people's minds with "webs" that give him information about that person's secrets. In addition, he can control them with these mind webs as well. Since he tends to avoid confrontation, he sends others to do his dirty work.

Finally, there is a shot of Captain America taking on Thanos, one on one. Rogers stops Thanos from crushing him with his giant hand, and Thanos gives him a confused look. Is it because Rogers is stronger than he appears or is Thanos confused as to why someone weaker than him is physically fighting back?

We'll learn more once Avengers: Infinity War comes to theaters on April 27.

New Overwatch Brigitte Skins Showcase: All Her Alternate Looks

By Eddie Makuch on Mar 18, 2018 04:58 pm

Here's All The New Skins For Overwatch's 27th Character

The newest Overwatch hero, Brigitte, is available now on the game's Public Test Realm. She's coming soon to the full game on PC, PS4, and Xbox One--and so are a lot of different skins.

In this gallery we're rounding up all the Brigitte skins we've seen so far. As you'll see Brigitte has Classic, Engineer, Carbon Fiber, and other skins available. They all seem to retain Brigitte's same basic look but you'll see that the skins give her outfit new colors and change the look of her weapon. One of the skins puts spinning gears on the middle of her shield. At least one of the skins also puts cosmetic equipment on her, including welding goggles and a tool pouch that goes on her belt.

Click through the gallery to see all of the Brigitte skins we've seen so far.

Brigitte is a Support-class hero who can heal and provide armor to her allies, hit multiple enemies at once with her flail, and equip a shield. With the use of her Shield Bash ability, she's able to do some notable things, like stun Reinhardt through his shield, stop Reinhardt's Charge, and stun Torbjörn's sentry. Blizzard has announced that she'll be released in an update on March 20.

12 Body Horror Scenes That Will Make You Literally Puke

By Dan Auty on Mar 18, 2018 04:52 am

Horror comes in many forms, from monsters and ghosts to psychotic killers and crazy cults. But there's nothing quite like body horror to separate the hardcore fright fan from the more casual viewer. The phrase 'body horror' was first coined in the British academic journal Screen in 1986, and it loosely describes movies where the terror comes from the human body itself, whether it's melting, mutating, or perhaps hosting some terrifying parasite.

1986 was also the year that David Cronenberg's classic The Fly brought the sub-genre to a wide mainstream audience, and since then many of most disturbing moments in cinema have been focused on flesh-based shocks. So here's some of the gloopiest, goriest, and most gruesome body horror scenes of all time….

12. Brain Damage (1988)

Frank Henenlotter directed the 1982 classic Basket Case, the wonderfully sleazy tale of a young man who keeps his horrifically misshapen brother in a basket. But it was his second movie, Brain Damage, that really delivered the body horror goods. The movie is a drug analogy, in which an evil leech-like brain-eating parasite called Aylmer forces his hosts to bring him victims by getting them hooked on a hallucinogenic drug that he secretes directly into their brains. The highlight is an amazingly gruesome scene in which our hero Brian hallucinates that he is slowly pulling his entire brain out through his ear.

11. From Beyond (1986)

Director Stuart Gordon followed his classic 1985 zombie comedy Re-Animator with the darker, weirder From Beyond. Based once more on a story by HP Lovecraft, it focuses on two rival scientists who are attempting to see beyond our normal reality using a machine known as the Resonator. Of course, the machine does more than that, and it ends up physically changing the doctors, providing plenty of opportunity for gloopy body horror. In particular, the villainous Dr. Pretorius goes through some wonderfully strange transformations, including the one pictured above.

10. The Ruins (2008)

While much of the body horror on this list is the result of scientific experimentation, The Ruins is an example of nature fighting back. This horror tale features a bunch of American tourists who stumble upon a Mayan template and find themselves trapped by predatory, flesh-eating vines. There's a particularly unpleasant scene in which one of the party realises that the vines have invaded her body and are moving around beneath her skin, forcing her friends to cut her open and pull them out.

9. Videodrome (1982)

No body horror list would be complete without at least a couple of movies from the master of the sub-genre: David Cronenberg. For many fans, the director's finest movie is the mind-warping thriller Videodrome, in which a TV signal induces horrific hallucinations, allowing Cronenberg to indulge in a series of increasingly disturbing sequences. In one, star James Woods discovers that he has grown a vaginal slit in his belly, into which he plunges a gun. Later on, one of the movie's villains declares, "I've got something I want to play for you!" and pops a pulsating, organic videotape in there.

8. Antiviral (2012)

David Cronenberg's son Brandon has also ventured into filmmaking, following in his dad's footsteps with this seriously weird sci-fi tale of celebrity obsession. In the future, fans can buy "celebrity viruses," to experience the same medical afflictions of their idols. You want to share the same herpes infection as your favourite pop star? No problem. The scene most worthy of the Cronenberg name is a dream sequence in which our infected hero imagines he is transforming into a twisted fusion of man and machine.

7. The Thing (1982)

John Carpenter's sci-fi horror favorite might have been a critical and commercial bomb when it was first released in 1982, but it's now considered one of the finest horror movies ever made. The movie showcased some incredible work from VFX genius Rob Bottin, as the titular creature imitates a group of scientists stationed at an arctic base, making its appearance in the most gruesome ways possible. The most outrageous transformation sequence is a procession of increasingly gobsmacking moments, which starts with the team's doctor attempting to resuscitate one of his colleagues after he seemingly suffers a heart attack. It's probably easier to go and watch it than describe it, but as one of the other scientists exclaims at one point: "You gotta be f***ing kidding me!"

6. Slug Girl (2018)

Given how weird a lot of horror anime can get, it's no surprise there's quite a bit of animated body horror from Japan. Artists Junji Ito is considered one of the key figures in horror manga, having created such books as Tomie, Uzumaki, and Gyo. January saw the release of The Junji Ito Collection, which adapts 10 of his most disturbing stories into short anime films. One of them is titled Slug Girl and is a spectacular slice of wild body horror, in which a girl's tongue begins to transform into a giant slug. It starts off disgusting and just gets worse from there.

5. Street Trash (1987)

This outrageous 1987 horror comedy goes out of its way to offend. From the necrophilia jokes to a game of football played with a ripped-off male member, Street Trash really does have something for everyone. The main plot centres around a batch of ancient whiskey that an unscrupulous liquor store owner sells to the bums of Brooklyn, which has the unfortunate side effect of making them melt. The first meltdown is also the most spectacular, as one poor fella sits down on an abandoned toilet, takes a swig, and quickly turns into gloop in gloriously colourful style.

4. Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)

Japanese director and actor Shinya Tsukamoto recently appeared in Martin Scorsese's historical drama Silence, giving an acclaimed, dignified performance. But 30 years ago, Tsukamoto was making an impact in a very different way. His directorial debut, Tetsuo: The Iron Man, is an insane black-and-white cyberpunk nightmare, in which a man gets his revenge on the couple who tried to kill him, by transforming himself into a fusion of man and machine. In the movie's most shocking scene, Tetsuo kills his girlfriend by raping her with a spinning drill, which has replaced his… well, you can probably guess.

3. The Fly (1986)

Cronenberg's best known and most successful movie also features some of his most outrageous body horror moments, as Jeff Goldblum slowly and painfully changes into--yes--a fly! There's almost too many juicy scenes to choose from, but for sheer disgustingness it's hard to top the final moments of Goldblum's transformation, as what remains of his human flesh falls away and the insect emerges.

2. Society (1990)

There's no other horror movie quite like Society. Directed by Re-Animator producer Brian Yuzna, it's a satire of 1980s class and privilege that plays out like a weird, subversive soap opera. Ex-Baywatch star Billy Warlock discovers that his privileged, status-obsessed friends and parents are in fact shape-shifting, power-mad sex mutants. The movie ends with the infamous orgy scene in which the movie's elite merge gloopily into one another while literally consuming their victim. The class metaphor might not be subtle, but the whole sequence is unforgettable.

1. The Human Centipede (2009)

Tom Six's shlock-horror-comedy The Human Centipede has become synonymous with outrageous, disgusting horror; even non-horror fans who would run a mile from watching it know the movie's name. And they have good reason to run too, as Six fully delivers on the promise of the title. There's no scene sicker than the one in which mad Dr. Heiter wakes up his creation, three kidnapped victims who have been sewn together to form a disturbing mock-centipede. The whole sequence is made even worse by the doc's wild jubilation that his experiment has worked. As his victims cry in terror, he weeps tears of joy.

9 Crazy And Ridiculous Things Tom Cruise Has Done On A Film Set

By Dan Auty on Mar 18, 2018 04:51 am

There's no other movie star quite like Tom Cruise. While many of the stars of the 1980s either faded into obscurity, moved into TV, or had their careers mired in controversy, Cruise has remained one of the world's most bankable stars for over 30 years.

But despite the popularity of movies like the Mission Impossible or Jack Reacher series, the way the world views the man himself has changed over the years. Off camera, Cruise's advocacy of Scientology, outspoken views about prescription drugs, and his various relationships have provided plenty of tabloid column inches. And on-screen, far from calming down, the 55-year-old star has moved into middle age by upping the danger factor in the stunts that he insists on performing himself in his movies. So here's a look at some of Cruise's craziest moments on a movie set, as he puts his life at risk for the sake of our entertainment...

9. Tanks a lot

The first Mission Impossible fully established Cruise as an action movie star. Although the set pieces are a little more modest than later movies, there is still one great moment that shows that the star was very willing to put himself in danger. During a tense standoff, Ethan Hunt uses some detonating gum to blow up a huge fishtank that surrounds the actors, causing 16 tons of water to explode, right next to the star. A huge wave of water crashes through the room, as Cruise sprints just ahead. Director Brian De Palma was reportedly reluctant to let Cruise perform the stunt, on account on the both risk from the glass and sheer volume of water. But an earlier take with a stuntman didn't look any good, so Cruise went ahead and did it himself.

8. Racing in the street

The Jack Reacher movies are Cruise's attempt to create a second action movie franchise, and while they don't hit the insane heights of the Mission Impossible movies, there are some cool moments in each. The most impressive slice of stuntwork comes in the first film, in which Reacher gets behind the wheel for a spectacular car chase. And of course, despite the fact that a stunt driver was on hand, Tom ended up doing the whole thing himself. Director Chris McQuarrie makes sure you know it too, keeping Cruise regularly in the shot as he races, skids, gearshifts, and crashes around the streets of Pittsburgh.

7. Samurarrghhhh!

The lavish period epic The Last Samurai required Cruise to learn how to wield a samurai sword, training which took more than eight months to complete. But all the preparations in the world can't protect you from freak accidents, and Cruise was nearly killed in the scene in which he charges actor Hiroyuki Sanada on horseback. Unfortunately, Sanada's mechanical horse didn't stop on the intended mark and his (very real) sword ended up inches from Cruise's throat.

6. On the edge

It was the Mission Impossible II that truly established the franchise's--and its star's--dedication to the dangerous. The movie opens with a sequence in which Cruise scales the cliffs of Dead Horse Point in Utah. While the actor was wearing a safety harness that was later removed digitally, it's still 100% Tom up there, jumping between rocks with no safety net below him. From that stunt on, there was no going back.

5. Pack it in!

Even in this age of excessive CG, some stunts just look better performed for real. There's no green screen during Minority Report's hoverpack sequence. Instead, Cruise was strapped into a complex stunt wire rig that used over a mile of cable and allowed him to shoot 80 feet in the air, as well as falling, jumping off buildings, and hitting the ground as he fights various bad guys.

4. Taking off

Like the Bond movies, the Mission Impossible franchise is known for its spectacular opening sequences. 2015's Rogue Nation is no exception, as Ethan Hunt clings to the side of a plane as it takes off. Cruise performed the stunt four times over the space of two days, and subsequently provided some alarming details about it. "While we were going down the runway, we were worried about bird strikes," he said. "Any kind of particle that the propellers could pick up, any kind of stone. I remember I got hit by a stone that was so tiny, you cannot believe it. I thought it broke my rib. Luckily it went to my vest, and not my hands or my face, or it would have penetrated and gone right through." Ow.

3. Dubai too high

It's not all running, jumping, and nearly drowning. Cruise also seemingly lacks a fear of heights, even when scaling the world's tallest building. In Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, Ethan Hunt is seen on the side of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, 2,722 feet above the ground. And as the behind-the-scenes footage reveals, it's 100% Tom--swinging, climbing and clambering around the outside of the building, as the camera crew circle him in a helicopter.

2. Tom's big break

With the sheer number of movie stunts that Cruise has performed over the years, it was inevitable that one would go wrong. The production of the upcoming Mission Impossible: Fallout was shut down for several months last year after Cruise broke his ankle performing a stunt that involved the star jumping between two buildings. Cruise subsequently appeared on the UK chat show The Graham Norton Show, where he showed an eye-opening video of the accident. The stunt and fall are hair-raising enough, but the true sign of Cruise's insanity comes minutes later. Having slammed into the building and snapped his ankle in a particularly gruesome way, Tom continues with the shot, climbs onto the roof, and keeps on running (well, limping).

1. Water lunatic

Given that Rogue Nation starts with the Cruiser hanging off the side of an airplane as it takes off, you'd be even forgiven thinking that the movie had peaked early in terms of life-endangering stunt work. But you're be wrong. An hour later, Ethan Hunt attempts to crack open an underwater safe, a sequence which took two weeks to film and required Cruise to not only act underwater but also reportedly hold his breath for up to six minutes at a time. Tom's physical training took months, as he trained alongside a freediving expert and taught his mind to believe "that you don't have to take a breath."

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