Saturday, March 24, 2018

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In the 03/25/2018 edition:

Avengers: Infinity War: Who's Going To Die, And Who's Going To Live?

By Meg Downey on Mar 24, 2018 10:30 pm

Who's going to survive Avengers: Infinity War?

With the arrival of Thanos looming just over the horizon, one question seems to be nagging at the forefront of just about everyone's brain: Out of the MCU's seemingly endless roster of heroes, who's going to die in Avengers: Infinity War?

The threat is pretty legitimate. Thanos represents the biggest, baddest villain any of the Marvel Cinematic Universe superheroes have yet to face, and the marketing campaign hasn't been pulling any punches when it comes to emphasizing just how dire things are looking. With the Infinity Stones at his disposal, Thanos can wipe out "half the galaxy" with a snap of his fingers, meaning that the odds are pretty firmly stacked against the Avengers and their allies. That, coupled with the behind-the-scenes negotiations regarding contract expiration and renewal that we know are going on, mean Infinity War is prime time for some changing of the metaphorical guard.

It's time to take a closer look at the totally mathematical, theoretically sound, extremely clinical, and not at all anxiety fueled probabilities behind some of the MCU's biggest heroes making it out of Avengers: Infinity War alive.

31. Black Panther

Likelihood of death: 0.1%

While anything could technically happen, it's a pretty safe bet that T'Challa isn't going anywhere. Not only did he just star in his own record-shattering solo movie this year, but Wakanda's arc in the MCU is only just beginning. Rest easy, the King is sitting pretty right now.

30. Shuri

Likelihood of death: 0.1%

Just like her brother, Shuri is sitting pretty comfortably in this one. Not only has she already proven to be a huge fan favorite, but it's abundantly clear that her story has plenty of fuel left in the engine. She's not going anywhere.

29. Valkyrie

Likelihood of death: 1%

Seeing as it's actually pretty doubtful Valkyrie will be on screen for more than just a brief cameo this time around, killing her off right now wouldn't make a ton of sense--at least not when she's only just getting started.

28. Okoye

Likelihood of death: 1%

Though her role as a general puts her closer to the front lines, and therefore, more at risk, Okoye--like the rest of the Black Panther crew--is very likely sitting pretty for this one. The Dora Milaje are one of Wakanda's big breakouts for fans so it absolutely wouldn't make much sense to cut them off at the knees by killing their leader.

27. Spider-Man

Likelihood of death: 2%

Peter Parker already has a solo movie sequel confirmed with a release date of July 5th, 2019, meaning unless there's some sort of cosmic time-warping involved, everyone's favorite web slinger is skating through this one just fine.

26. Ned Leeds

Likelihood of death: 2%

Peter's best pal Ned is, for all intents and purposes, just as safe as Peter himself. He may not be as critical to the continuation of the Spider-Man line, but killing Ned would be pretty pointless and strangely cruel. He's going to be alright.

25. Mantis

Likelihood of death: 2%

As the latest official addition to the Guardian's lineup, killing Mantis wouldn't accomplish much beyond leaving a gap that will need to be filled for their next solo film. Anything can happen, of course, but probably not this.

24. Groot

Likelihood of death: 2%

C'mon, even if Groot does "die," we've already seen that he can just come back. If anything winds up happening to him, it'll probably be to revert back to the very merchandise friendly Baby Groot rather than anything permanent.

23. Rocket

Likelihood of death: 3%

Similar to Groot, Rocket's status a fan favorite mascot-style character in the Guardian's lineup is very likely going to keep him safe for this one. It's kind of hard to replace a talking raccoon.

22. Ant-Man

Likelihood of death: 3%

There's been some debate about where, exactly, in the MCU's timeline Ant-Man and The Wasp actually takes place, but even if it's something designed to slot into the time between Civil War and Infinity War, it's still pretty unlikely that Scott Lang is going to kick the bucket here. It just wouldn't make a whole lot of sense from a marketing standpoint.

21. The Hulk

Likelihood of death: 3%

Mark Ruffalo has been extremely open about the Hulk's version of a "solo movie" being a three part arc across three movies. The first part of that story happened in Thor: Ragnarok, so it goes to follow that the second will come in Infinity War, and the finale will likely be in Infinity War's unnamed sequel. Consider him pretty safe, at least until next year.

20. Black Widow

Likelihood of death: 5%

Natasha Romanoff's standalone Black Widow movie has all but been confirmed. Of course, we don't have a release date or any real information yet, so that could potentially change in the future--and it might be an origin story or something set in the past, to be sure--but it's definitely a lot less likely that she's going to bite the dust any time soon with those rumors swirling around.

19. War Machine

Likelihood of death: 6%

Rhodey just came out of a near-miss moment in Civil War, so might feel a little redundant to have him put at risk again so soon. Also, War Machine's status as one of the major, active Iron Man replacements keeps him pretty safe.

18. Pepper

Likelihood of death: 6%

Pepper's been a tertiary character in the MCU for as long as Tony's been a star and, though Tony's future may not be all that certain right now, Pepper's death wouldn't gain all that much for the shared universe. It's pretty safe to say the thing more likely to bench Pepper Potts than death is Gwyneth Paltrow renegotiating her contract.

17. Star Lord

Likelihood of death: 6%

Until more of Marvel's space-based heroes make their live action debuts, it's pretty unlikely that Peter Quill is going to go anywhere. After all, those Adam Warlock teases from Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 are going to need someone to follow up on them at some point.

16. Thor

Likelihood of death: 15%

It's pretty hard to kill a god, but as we've seen more than once it's definitely possible--and, by the look of things in the most recent trailer, Thor is about to undergo some truly rough treatment. However, the Thor franchise is largely without an heir as of right now and, considering its position as one of the MCU's most light hearted lines, a major heroic death would probably be pretty counterproductive. Thor may end up benched, but he probably won't die.

15. Bucky Barnes

Likelihood of death: 25%

Not only is Bucky very recently rehabilitated from his stint as the brain washed Winter Soldier, he's also spent the duration of his time on screen in all three Captain America movies getting relentlessly teased as a potential successor to the mantle after Steve Rogers. Sure, there's always a chance that those shield-holding moments were just Easter eggs for the sake of Easter eggs, but let's not count Bucky out just yet.

14. Falcon

Likelihood of death: 25%

Similar to Bucky, Sam Wilson's MCU story has been heavily intertwined with the Cap movies in a way that made room for a potential solo spin off. If Bucky isn't the one to pick up the Cap mantle, Sam's the next most likely candidate. Of course, he's also a non-powered, non-serum'd, non-armored human being running into battle with Thanos here in Infinity War, so he might not be all that safe.

13. Scarlet Witch

Likelihood of death: 35%

Wanda Maximoff has an interesting relationship with the Infinity Stones, considering her superpowers were the result of experiments on the Mind Stone. That said, we really don't know all that much about how those experiments actually affected her or what will happen when Thanos takes the Stone back. Killing Wanda wouldn't be much of a narrative power move, but it's certainly a possibility.

12. Gamora

Likelihood of death: 45%

Though they're just supporting characters in their own Guardians of the Galaxy corner of the MCU, the "daughters" of Thanos are headed toward a major spotlight as dear ol' dad makes himself known. Gamora even narrated the majority of the second trailer, which confirmed we'd get a closer look at her origin story which featured Thanos himself abducting her as a child. It's not super likely, considering the popularity and franchise power of the Guardians as a unit, but if a member of that team is going to get benched this time around, Gamora is probably the most likely--it would certainly be an emotional gut punch.

11. Drax

Likelihood of death: 55%

If a Guardian of the Galaxy is marked for death that isn't a Daughter of Thanos, let's face it, it's probably Drax. He may be a great bit of comic relief but his actual narrative arc hasn't gone all that far since his debut and with so many teammates who could clearly pick up the slack as the bruiser of the bunch (Groot's growing up pretty fast, after all), if that herd needs to be culled, Drax is likely the one to go.

10. The Collector

Likelihood of death: 65%

It's actually strangely likely that The Collector is going to bite the dust here. Not only is he sitting on one of the Infinity Stones, which puts him right in Thanos's crosshairs, he's also a tertiary enough character played by a big enough actor (Benicio del Toro, lest we forget) that he sits in a "fat trimming" area.

9. Wong

Likelihood of death: 65%

The mystical arm of the MCU is a strange animal. With no real franchise plans on the horizon that we know of, Wong's role is teetering on a knife's edge between expanding or collapsing entirely. It'll depend on just how things shake of for Strange.

8. Hawkeye

Likelihood of death: 70%

Fans of Clint Barton have been clamoring about his lack of inclusion in the marketing material since the Infinity War campaign dropped. We know he'll be taking on a new identity--Ronin--at some point in this movie, but other than that, it's been pretty tricky to pin down any information about him at all. As one of the few totally non-powered, non-metahuman, non-armor clad Avengers, Clint's more at risk this time around than others.

7. Doctor Strange

Likelihood of death: 70%

Things started looking a little dicey for Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) in the latest Infinity War trailer, where we got a brief but up close and personal look at Ebony Maw's torture techniques, prompting no shortage of speculation from fans. In the Infinity comics event, a similar scene takes place which winds up with Ebony Maw parasitically infecting Strange's brain and using him as something of a double agent for Thanos's plans--something which probably won't translate directly to screen, but leaves the good doctor with a pretty ominous shadow hanging over him.

On top of that, Strange is one of the few solo superheroes introduced to have no confirmed plans for a sequel, meaning he can be taken off the board without much concern for franchise building.

6. Nebula

Likelihood of death: 75%

Nebula, however, has been pretty absent from a lot of promotion and, given the tumultuous relationship she and her adoptive sister have shared on screen as of late, that might be a bad sign. Her redemption arc could be completed by a big moment of sacrifice that would arguably provide the same kick as Gamora's potential doom but at half the narrative (and future merchandising) cost.

If one of the daughters of Thanos is going down, it's probably going to be her. Sorry, Nebula.

5. Nick Fury

Likelihood of death: 78%

Samuel L. Jackson's been pretty candid about not really knowing or understand where Nick Fury slots into Infinity War, which could be seen as a pretty bad omen for the character's continued presence in the MCU. Increasingly it feels like the movies are moving away from both Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D, which means we may see the end of Fury here pretty soon.

4. Iron Man

Likelihood of death: 80%

Tony Stark sits near the very top of the "Most Likely To Die" list in this one, unfortunately. Not only has Robert Downey Jr. been playing the character for a full decade, he's been pretty open about his desire to scale Tony's role in the franchise back "before it gets embarrassing." Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean Iron Man has been earmarked for death, but if Infinity War is looking to make a powerful statement with an extremely beloved character, Tony is obviously and definitely the lowest hanging fruit.

Of course, things get complicated when you think about Tony's overall lack of a real on-screen successor. War Machine has only recently started prominently featuring alongside any of the Avengers ensembles with Captain America: Civil War, and Peter Parker, Tony's only real protege (for now) has a mantle of his own to bear--so, maybe, just maybe Tony could make it through this one in one piece--at least long enough to hand the keys to the Iron Man armor over to someone new. Someone like Black Panther's sister Shuri, maybe?

3. Captain America

Likelihood of death: 85%

All things considered, Steve Rogers has been living on borrowed time in the MCU since his surprising survival through Civil War--a movie based on the comic event that famously killed him in its aftermath. Now visibly hardened, shieldless, and world weary, Captain America's Infinity War look and feel is unlike anything we've ever seen from our Star Spangled Avenger in the past--and no matter how much a fan favorite the beard and the scowl may be, when looked at in context, it all feels pretty ominous.

Add to that the fact that Cap has not one but two potential on-screen replacements in Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) and Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), both of whom have expressed interested in doing their own solo or duo spin off movies and--this is painful to type--things aren't looking all that great for Steve's future.

2. Loki

Likelihood of death: 85%

In a similar boat as Gamora, Loki's on-again-off-again role as a villain has put him on some thin ice moving forward in the MCU. His heartwarming turn at the end of Thor: Ragnarok certainly won him some brownie points, but after the latest Infinity War trailers confirmed that he did indeed steal the cosmic cube from Odin's vault, it's clear that Loki hasn't completely changed his heart or his ways.

This means things are getting a little complicated for him these days. Nabbing the cosmic cube (which contains the Space Stone) puts him right in the crosshairs of Thanos and the Black Order, something that opens the doors for him to execute yet another one of his classic backstabbing moves on his brother or sacrifice himself for the greater good. Sure, it might be a shockingly altruistic move for someone like Loki to make at the literal 11th hour, but it would be a pretty satisfying (and emotionally devastating) end to his MCU journey.

1. Vision

Likelihood of death: 90%

Another Avenger high up on the potential chopping block is Vision (Paul Bettany), and he has an extremely literal target painted right on his forehead. Given life by the Mind Stone, Vision has been all but invincible through his movie appearances in Age of Ultron and Civil War, but we've already seen in Infinity War's marketing material that Thanos does, indeed, manage to get his hands on the yellow Infinity Stone at some point during the course of the movie.

Of course, that begs the question: What exactly happens to a robot powered by a cosmic rock when the cosmic rock is taken from him? Is there a way he could survive? Or will it be like his batteries have been popped out for good? His romantic relationship with the immensely powerful Scarlet Witch might be the thing to save him--but with Wanda's abilities so loosely defined on screen, this one is too close to call.

Monster Hunter World Update Brings New Deviljho Armor And Weapons

By Chris Pereira on Mar 24, 2018 04:39 pm

The much-anticipated release of Deviljho in Monster Hunter World has finally happened. A new update for the PS4 and Xbox One RPG adds a new monster for players to contend with. With Deviljho now available, you'll have an enemy with new weaknesses and attack patterns to deal with. If you're brave enough to take it on, you can collect its parts and then craft new gear--including both weapons and armor.

To find Deviljho, you'll need to have advanced far enough in the story. You'll begin to uncover its tracks on expeditions, just as you would other new High Rank monsters, and eventually receive a special assignment called The Food Chain Dominator, which allows you to target the beast.

This update adds a new Deviljho weapon for each weapon type, so you'll have something to strive for regardless of what you wield. Additionally, there are two new High Rank Deviljho armor sets to get your hands on. The Alpha version will provide you with the following skills:

  • Attack Boost (Level 4)
  • Handicraft (3)
  • Partbreaker (3)
  • Latent Power (3)
  • Speed Eating (3)

The Beta set offers fewer skills; the key difference between the two is that Beta provides more flexibility with the decorations you can equip. Here's what beta offers:

  • Attack Boost (4)
  • Latent Power (3)
  • Speed Eating (3)
  • Partbreaker (1)

You can check out images of all the weapons and male armor above; we're working on acquiring the female armor and will update once we've gotten it. You'll need to be prepared to take on Deviljho, who's among the tougher enemies to face. The monster is now available on both PS4 and Xbox One alongside a suite of weapon balance changes, adjustments to address online griefing while carving, and more. There will be more armor to hunt down in the near future, as crossover gear with other games are on the way.

The Best Cheap Xbox One Games

By Kallie Plagge on Mar 24, 2018 12:54 am

High Quality, Low Price

Xbox One has been around for over four years now, but the 4K-capable Xbox One X has only been around for a few months. Whether you're a day-one adopter or new to Xbox, it can be difficult to sift through the store and figure out what to play. And yes, there are jokes about how Xbox One doesn't have any games, but that's not true! There's plenty to play on Xbox, and your options are good even if you're on a budget.

From newer indies to discounted AAA games, we've picked out the best games you can get for $20 or under (around £16) on the Xbox store. This only reflects digital prices; there are games you can get on sale at other retailers, but these games are consistently this affordable.

For more games on a budget, see our roundups of the best cheap games on PS4 and on Switch. And make sure to check out our gallery of the Xbox One exclusive games confirmed for 2018 as well as the biggest Xbox One games of 2018 for everything coming to the console.

Celeste -- $20 / £16

Celeste may look like another pixelated platformer with a youthful protagonist, but it quickly transforms into a brutal, tightly orchestrated gauntlet of death that only the best players can master. It challenges you to traverse spike-lined caverns with a modest selection of skills, with alternate pathways that push your mettle even further as you strive to acquire every last hidden item. You will die hundreds of times, but with quick restarts and a catchy soundtrack, there's never any downtime to wallow in defeat, only a new opportunity to show the game what you're made of. The action and difficulty curve are accompanied by a surprisingly engaging story that adds just the right amount of context to make your arduous journey feel justified, and to solidify Celeste as one of the biggest surprises so far of 2018. | Peter Brown

Inside -- $20 / £16

Playdead games won the admiration of its now-large audience when it released Limbo, a slow-paced puzzle-platformer that relied heavily on the use of light and negative space. For the studio's follow-up, Inside, it delivered yet another somber world to explore. It presents a tale that unfolds effortlessly before your eyes as you advance from one scene to the next, with nary a word from any of its characters. Through the power of inference and suggestion, you realize the infiltration of a malicious organization and bear witness to its sinister deeds. Inside will test your ability to think creatively, but it's the narrative--and the way it's delivered--that makes it a game worth playing. Inside reinforces the notion that, sometimes, less is more. | Peter Brown

The Sexy Brutale -- $20 / £16

The Sexy Brutale is a quirky little puzzle game co-developed by Tequila Works, the studio behind beautiful adventure game Rime. Its essentially Groundhog Day: The Game--you play through the same day over and over, but with each runthrough you learn more about the creepy mansion you find yourself in. After seeing one character shoot another, you might go and find the gun and prevent the bloody murder by replacing real bullets with blanks. A number of these murders are interconnected--solving one puzzle might prevent one murder, but that could change another branch of time elsewhere in the house. There's no way of preventing every murder in one go, but discovering and tinkering with the different timelines is where the fun lies.And with it being playable on Switch, you can live the same day countless times anywhere you want. Suffice it to say, we've played it over and over again--groundhog day indeed. | Matt Espineli

Halo 5: Guardians -- $20 / £15

Halo 5: Guardians is the biggest and boldest Halo game ever. The campaign tells an intriguing story where Master Chief is could potentially be the bad guy, and another team is tasked to hunt him down. Though the overall narrative did not exactly pay off, the campaign pushed the franchise forward with its more open level design that offered a new feeling of freedom. On the multiplayer side, Halo 5 is arguably the series' strongest offering to date. The core modes like Arena are there and have never been better, and Forge mode has allowed modders to create some truly incredible creations. But what's more exciting is the 24-player Warzone mode, which gives Halo's multiplayer a sense of scale that it never had before--and it's a lot of fun. At $20 (or free with an Xbox Game Pass subscription), Halo 5 is absolutely worth checking out. | Eddie Makuch

Crypt of the NecroDancer -- $15 / £12

Roguelikes (or at least roguelike elements) have been one of the most popular trends in gaming over the past handful of years, but few have taken as interesting of an approach to the genre as Crypt of the NecroDancer. It tasks players with navigating a dungeon to the beat of the music. Rather than simply move in the direction you wish or attack the enemy that's in your path, you and your enemies' actions are tied directly to the (always excellent) soundtrack. It's essential that you always be doing something--not taking an action at the next beat resets your combo, meaning you'll earn less gold or deal less damage, depending on the items you've acquired. Particularly as the music becomes more fast-paced, this lends a real sense of tension and excitement to every moment: you need to constantly be considering your next action while accounting for how nearby enemies will react to your movements. It's an experience with few points of comparison, but it's nonetheless one that you'll certainly want to try. | Chris Pereira

Enter the Gungeon -- $15 / £11

Being a roguelike-style shooter, Enter the Gungeon naturally draws comparisons to games like The Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne. And while that does offer a decent starting point for understanding what to expect, Enter the Gungeon manages to rise above being a pale imitator. It feels fantastic, with a dodge-roll ability that allows you to satisfyingly evade damage with a well-timed use. There are ridiculous weapons, such as those that fire bees or a gun that shoots guns which themselves fire bullets. The well-crafted procedurally generated environments help to keep each run feeling fresh, as do the wide variety of items and secrets to uncover along the way. And co-op support makes for an especially fun, chaotic experience (although it's unfortunate that the second player isn't able to play as the different characters that the main player has access to). The entire game is also overflowing with personality and color, making for an experience that is as fun to look at as is to play. | Chris Pereira

Stardew Valley -- $15 / £12

Originally released on PC, hit farming sim Stardew Valley has made its way to console with very few compromises (aside from the lack of mods, if that's something you care about). It's an excellent take on the Harvest Moon formula, with a laid-back small-town atmosphere, tons of work to do, and bachelors and bachelorettes to date. But the valley also has its mysteries, and the added intrigue makes it easy to pick up, hard to put down, and rewarding day after day. Even though it has nothing to do with the Harvest Moon franchise, it's easily the best "Harvest Moon" game in years. | Kallie Plagge

Sonic Mania -- $20 / £16

Created by members of the Sonic fan-hack community under Sega's watch, Sonic Mania exudes passion and reverence in its recreation of nostalgic visuals, sounds, and level designs. But the game isn't content with senselessly regurgitating the past; rather, it expands upon the familiar with new ideas of its own and delivers plenty of inventive concepts that diversify and build upon the series' fast-paced level design. Sonic Mania is smart and interpretive in its approach, leveraging the strengths of its design and visuals to craft not only the best Sonic game ever made, but an amazing platforming experience overall. If you've enjoyed Sonic at any point in your life, you owe it to yourself to play Sonic Mania. And even if you're not a longtime fan, the fast-paced platforming on display is a fantastic introduction to Sega's beloved blue blur. | Matt Espineli

Overcooked -- $17 / £13

Overcooked is like a Mario Party mini-game blown up into its own standalone experience in the best way possible. It's a game that becomes exponentially better when played with at least one other person. What starts out as a relatively tame game where you help each other chop some vegetables and get them served on a plate becomes a frantic rush to put out fires, get ingredients distributed between two moving vehicles, and other ridiculous scenarios. | Chris Pereira

Thimbleweed Park -- $20 / £17

Point-and-click adventure games have experienced something of a renaissance in recent years, and Thimbleweed Park--from adventure game legends Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick--is a prime example. The X-Files-inspired journey puts you in the role of two FBI agents that bear more than a passing resemblance to the classic TV show as you relive the glory days of adventure games. Playing on any console means dealing with a gamepad-based control scheme (as opposed to the more natural mouse controls on PC), but Switch makes up for this with touchscreen support when played in handheld mode. | Chris Pereira

Thumper -- $20 / £16

Although it's a game arguably best-suited for VR, Thumper is an incredible experience however you play it. It provides a unique blend of rhythm-based gameplay and action--what the developer calls "rhythm violence"--that provides a far more intense version of the basic mechanics you see in other rhythm games. With an incredible soundtrack and levels well-suited to chasing high scores, Thumper is a game with the potential to stick around on your home screen for a long time. | Chris Pereira

Axiom Verge -- $20 / £16

Axiom Verge is another take on the Metroidvania style, but it distinguishes itself through its wide variety of weapons and tools--most notably, the Address Disruptor, which affects the environment and each enemy type in different ways. It's also a game with an impressive sense of scale and no shortage of secrets to uncover, encouraging multiple playthroughs. Add in an excellent soundtrack and tantalizing story, and there's a lot to like here. | Chris Pereira

Bastion -- $15 / £12

Supergiant Games' debut, Bastion, set the stage for everything else the developer created. This isometric action RPG tells a gripping story of a world destroyed by a catastrophic event referred to as The Calamity in the city of Caelondia. You control Bastion's protagonist, The Kid, who is led by the charismatic narrator named Rucks in a journey to piece the city back together. Very few survivors are left, and hostile monsters litter Caelondia, which is the impetus to put a varied arsenal of melee and projectile weapons to use. The Bastion acts as a sort of home base that slowly comes together as you progress and collect cores at the end of each level.Rucks' deep, instantly recognizable voice (that of Logan Cunningham) adds a level of grandeur to the story that's superbly supported by a truly remarkable soundtrack (by Darren Korb) that's vaguely Celtic, Western, and trip-hop all at the same time. Bastion's fantastical hand-painted art style (by Jen Zee) breathes life into a world nearly devoid of it, torn apart by a conflict of different cultures. These elements came to be staples of Supergiant's work, and Bastion is still a sterling example of the team's ability to craft a game that's both fun and heartfelt. | Michael Higham

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain -- $20 (not discounted in UK)

You may have heard that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, the final Metal Gear game to feature the involvement of series creator Hideo Kojima, has flaws. The last chunk of the game involves replaying earlier missions with small tweaks, and certain late-game story content was consigned to a special edition bonus feature. Despite all of that, The Phantom Pain stands as a seminal example of what an open-world action game can be. While still retaining much of what makes a Metal Gear game so distinct, it presents players with a vast open world and the ability to tackle its challenges in many, many ways.The mechanics of Ground Zeroes have been fine-tuned, and you can leverage them in a multitude of ways as you take part in the game's consistently excellent, thrilling missions. Just as enjoyable are the emergent hijinks you'll encounter along the way, and all of this is made better by the consistent progression of building up your own personal army. Although it's undoubtedly an experience best played after playing making your way through the prior games, The Phantom Pain is a game that everyone should ultimately try. It holds up now, even after a few years; all that's changed is the price tag. | Chris Pereira

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