Due to the massive popularity of games like PUBG and H1Z1, you might be familiar with the battle royale genre. However, Fortnite: Battle Royale is a tad different from its competitors. The game takes the base premise of the genre and gives you the ability to rapidly construct fortifications, like walls and stairs, allowing you to protect yourself and create your own tactical environmental-based strategies.
Since its debut as a free-to-play mode last year, Fortnite: Battle Royale has skyrocketed in popularity, becoming a formidable competitor to PUBG. As a result, there's no shortage of new players jumping into the game for the first time every day--you might be one yourself. To assist those looking to come out on top, we've detailed in the video above some of the common mistakes new players make, as well as ways to improve.
The most common mistakes we highlight in the video above include:
Not Mapping Building Actions To Hotkeys
Forgetting To Build Under Fire
Forgetting To Knock Down Enemy Forts
Landing In Hot Spots
Forgetting To Share Health Items
Picking The Wrong Weapon
Of course, preparation and being a team player when playing cooperatively are proper solutions to these starting behaviors, but if you want more specific details on each of these points, be sure to watch the video above.
Season 3 of Fortnite: Battle Royale is ongoing, and each week brings a new set of challenges for players to complete. There's a free set of objectives for everyone to take on over the course of the season, but only those who purchase the Season 3 Battle Pass get to deal with the additional weekly challenges. These present players with specific goals to target and offer a path to quickly level up the Battle Pass and acquire its many rewards.
Although challenges are referred to as weekly, you have more than a week to complete them--they're available until Season 3 concludes at the end of April. As such, it's not too late to pick up the Battle Pass now and go back to complete challenges from past weeks.
Many of these challenges are relatively straightforward; you'll need to secure kills in certain locations or with specific weapon types. Others are things you'll likely do without even trying, like reviving teammates. Others still will require a bit more attention and management, as they might require certain things to be done in a single match (such as visiting three gas stations) or ask you to go to a specific location you otherwise would be unlikely to stumble upon.
Below, you'll find a complete list of every weekly challenge that's been rolled out so far along with links to some of our guides that will help you to deal with those trickier objectives. We'll continue to update this as more challenges are announced over the course of the season.
Week 1
Deal damage with Pistols to opponents (500) -- 5 Battle Stars
Search Chests in Pleasant Park (7) -- 5 Battle Stars
Revive players (5) -- 5 Battle Stars
Visit a Llama, Fox, and a Crab -- 5 Battle Stars
Hard: Follow the treasure map found in Dusty Depot -- 10 Battle Stars
Week 8 challenges in Fortnite: Battle Royale involve several objectives that you may need some assistance in completing. There are three challenges in particular--involving dance floors, three boats, and vending machines--that are not immediately obvious based on their descriptions. Here's how to tackle those, as well as the remaining Week 8 challenges, for Battle Pass owners on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and mobile.
The most intriguing-sounding of the bunch is the one that tells you to dance on different Dance Floors. These aren't something we've seen in the game previously--they've just been added as part of the new 3.5 update. This challenge wants you to find them and perform a dance emote while standing on top of them. You'll need to do this with three dance floors in all, though you can accomplish this across multiple matches. So far, we've only found three dance floors total; you can find them by heading to the southeastern corner of Flush Factory, grid B4 (west-southwest of Pleasant Park), and grid I6 (just east of Retail Row). The dance floors are located on the ground floor of newly added buildings. The locations are pictured in the map below, along with another challenge's location.
The trickiest of the challenges that Epic labels as being Hard has you search between Three Boats. As has been the case with similar objectives in the past, you don't get a treasure map or anything here--you simply have to recognize the landmarks that it's referring to. If you assume boats would be at Loot Lake, you're correct. The Battle Star you have to collect is located at the end of a small dock on the southeastern corner of Loot Lake's island. You can land right there at the start of a match and pick it up (by holding the same key/button used to open chests)--just be aware that you won't actually see it until you're very close to the ground.
Week 8 also brings a challenge to use a Vending Machine; these were added in the 3.4 content update. Visit one, and you're able to exchange building materials you've collected for items. These don't always show up in the same spots, but there are areas where they frequently show up. You can see those in our Vending Machine locations guide.
The remaining Week 8 challenges are less complex, though some of them come down to circumstance. You'll need to deal 500 damage to enemies with an explosive weapon, which can be done with grenade-type items or launchers. (However, you'll have to do it without one option, as the Guided Missile has been disabled temporarily.) Searching chests in Snobby Shores will involve simply spending some time in the area and exploring thoroughly--a good strategy, as always, is to check in the attics of buildings. Make sure to use an assault rifle as soon as you get one to get your three Assault Rifle eliminations, and if possible, do so in Dusty Depot, where you need to rack up three eliminations. All four of these might be easiest in solo playlists, where players can't be revived and you don't have teammates hogging any weapons.
Completing challenges rewards you with a specific number of Battle Stars--either five (for normal ones) or 10 (for Hard ones). These in turn allow you to level up your Battle Pass more quickly, which in turn unlocks Season 3 skins and rewards.
GameStop's new weekly ad is now live, featuring discounts that are available now through April 17. It contains all kinds of deals, ranging from sales on new games for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC, plus a few trade-in deals. Let's dig in and get to the good parts.
The selection of special offers on console games is fairly limited this week. You can get Grand Theft Auto V for $30 and BioShock: The Collection for $20. Mafia 3 and Borderlands: The Handsome Collection are both on sale for $15. Finally, LA Noire got a $10 price cut this week, bringing it down to $30 on PS4 and $40 on Switch. (Sorry, Switch owners, those cartridges are expensive.)
One thing GameStop would like you to know when perusing the weekly ad is that you can now pre-order two mascot trilogy remasters. Spyro: Reignited Trilogy is coming to PS4 and Xbox One on September 21, and Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is making its way to Xbox One and Nintendo Switch on July 10. Unfortunately, GameStop doesn't offer discounts on pre-orders, but Amazon and Best Buy do if you're in their membership programs. Here's where Amazon Prime members and Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked members can go to pre-order the games for 20% off.
In GameStop trade-in news, you get an extra 40% credit when you trade games or hardware toward Apple, PlayStation Store, and Xbox gift cards. GameStop is also offering extra cash for trade-ins this week. And if you trade in a PS4 or Xbox One, you'll get up to $80 of additional trade-in credit, depending on the model, until April 15. Additionally, pre-owned GameStop games that cost less than $5 are four for $10 this week.
That wraps up GameStop's weekly deals, but you can click the following links for current sales on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Steam.
Some links to supporting retailers are automatically made into affiliate links, and GameSpot may receive a small share of those sales.
When you think of Robert Kirkman, it's hard not to immediately flash to his The Walking Dead franchise. It's not his only TV project, though. Outcast, based on another of his comic books, premiered on Cinemax in June 2016. Now, nearly two years later, it's ready for Season 2.
The series, which centers on a troubled young man (Patrick Fugit) and a reverend (Philip Glenister) fighting to rid people of demonic possessions, has already aired its second season in the United Kingdom. While there's been a prolonged wait to see the series in the US, that doesn't necessarily mean its future is in doubt.
In fact, unlike The Walking Dead, Kirkman even knows how he wants the series to end. During a group interview, GameSpot broached that very topic with the comic book writer and executive producer. "It's a much more finite story and it's a story that has a planned ending. The Outcast comic book series will not go as long as Walking Dead," Kirkman says. "I've an ending in mind. I know when it ends, we haven't announced it yet."
As far as he's concerned, the expiration date he has in mind for the comics applies to the TV series, as well. "It's not gonna go on, as many seasons [as The Walking Dead]. But that's by design; like this is a story that has a beginning, middle, and an end," he explains. "I knew the ending of the story before I started the first issue before I started the pilot, and we've been working towards that, every minute along the way and so it's just a much more contained story. It's not a sprawling zombie epic and crazy apocalyptic world."
For Kirkman, that difference shows how much he grew as a writer between The Walking Dead's first issue in 2003 and the 2014 launch of Outcast as a comic book. "[It's] maybe a little bit of a maturity on my part because with Walking Dead it's like, 'I don't know, this is fun, where does this go, let's see,'" he says. "And as a storyteller, I have always been scared of endings and I've always avoided them, which has served me well, in a lot of places. But, I feel like I have grown to the point where you know I feel very comfortable. The story's gonna be better if we go here and if we're always working towards this end it'll be a better piece when it's all done."
So how long many seasons he envision Outcast going? "This is where I jokingly usually say a hundred," Kirkman says. "I think, yeah, like Breaking Bad, that's like a five-, maybe four-season show, I mean, depending on how the story breaks down." At this point, the series has not been renewed beyond the upcoming second season, which arrives on Friday, July 20, at 10 PM ET on Cinemax.
With Hearthstone's Year of the Raven kicking off with the launch of the upcoming Witchwood expansion on April 12, fans of Blizzard's wildly popular card battle game are about to experience some of the most sizable changes to the game yet. Compared to the previous expansion, Kobolds and Catacombs--which introduced the Dungeon Run--The Witchwood expansion brings in a slightly spookier experience for its jaunt through the dark and dreary forest. Along with 135 brand new cards, new keywords known as Echo and Rush, special hero characters that can transform into Worgen (Warcraft's take on werewolves), and a new variation to the Dungeon Run called Monster Hunts--the thriller-themed expansion aims to switch up the meta of the game.
During PAX East 2018, we spent some time with Hearthstone's game director Ben Brode, where he showed off new cards and spoke about the big changes happening in the coming weeks. In addition to talking about the Witchwood expansion, he also reflected on the game's impact, how its expanding community keeps the studio on their toes, and why the new content and flow will make it great entry point for new players.
GameSpot: The Year of the Raven roadmap starts with The Witchwood expansion, which looks to change things up a bit. Can you elaborate a bit further on what's ahead?
Ben Brode: With the Hearthstone Zodiac, each year there's a different animal/creature, and it represents three different expansions in the year. The reason we do that is because it's important to--well if you keep releasing new expansions with new cards forever, the burnout rate keeps going up and up. We have a format where you can play all the cards, but we also have a format where our competitive scene is focused on the newer decks--but you can only use the last two years of content. It's to ensure that the barrier for entry stays capped, but it also makes sure that the environment is changing with each set. The percentage of change there that we release is small, so many cards we're adding--135 cards in this expansion--but in the standard [game type], it represents a huge percentage change to the environment so the meta totally changes. It's always very exciting, and because this is the first set of the year, three--the other sets being a bit older now--it's an even bigger change to the environment, and it's the best time all year to come into the game.
The last expansion for Hearthstone was Kobolds and Catacombs, which brought in a number of big changes such as the dungeon runs. Based on the reactions you got from the community, what was one of the biggest lessons you learned from it?
I'd say one of the biggest lessons we learned was that dungeon runs were way more fun than we actually realized, and the players really loved them. One of the things that's important for us with Hearthstone is that we have to have interesting stuff happen all the time, and so when the new stuff comes out--things get really exciting, and players really like that phase of the meta to tinker and experiment. We also try to have more stuff happen during that phase, like our crazy events, like the loot clash arena for Halloween that we did, and interesting Tavern brawls for people to really sink their teeth into. But one of the things we could be doing is launching our single-player content a little bit later on, so that we stagger the content--because there's already plenty to do in the game when the expansion comes out, so the new content could come out when things get less exciting for players to switch things up. I think stuff like that for when we roll out the Witchwood, and then launch new single-player content shortly after, that might stuff we'll consider doing in the future.
One thing that may put people off when it comes to diving into games that are continually updated is the feeling that people have to play catch up. Not just in terms of finding all their own resources, but also trying to match up to other players. Do you think that this expansion will a bit more lenient towards newcomers?
I actually think right now is the best time [to jump into Hearthstone], because at this point of the rotation, this is the smallest number of cards you have to collect to become competitive in the game. You're not really behind anyone, and there's still a number of ways to figure out how to manage your decks. Oftentime players believe they're behind and that they can't keep up--this is the moment where you're not. I highly recommend coming into the game now at this point. Plus, we also have these super fun single-player modes that are completely free. The dungeon runs from our last set, Kobolds and Catacombs, our players really loved those and had a lot of fun with it, which we continue on with in Witchwood. There's plenty to do in Hearthstone, and you can do so much without spending any money at all. It's the best time to come in.
One of the new Paladin legendary cards coming to The Witchwood expansion.
On the inverse of that, having an expansion that makes a number of new additions and adjustments to the systems can be challenging as well. Especially for players who are comfortable with the flow of the game.
Yeah, that's right. If you're the kind of player that doesn't want change, the Wild [gametype] is actually perfect because it doesn't change that often or frequently, and it's focused on the decks that you fell in love with whatever reason--you can just play them there. So that's an option. But it is complicated because there are 135 new cards and each of those cards interact with each in other interesting ways. We have a really good team--called the final design team--and they play a ton of games, all focusing on balance and clarity in the cards, all to make sure things work and everything is well-balanced.
I guess you can say this expansion offers a really dark and moody atmosphere to it. Can you talk about how it was trying to inject more of a clear narrative and tone, and whether it was challenging to do so within the medium of a card based game?
Yeah, I think it's challenging, but also not really that important. We talked a lot a about story versus vibe among the team, and I think the vibe is critical to get you sold on this idea that you're in this tavern playing a friendly competition against a player--with the background having this background chatter can hit hard for people. I think that vibe, that 'Warcrafty' feel, is critical. And having an actual story plot points don't really matter, and it's also incredibly challenging to have to deliver on that in a satisfying way in the medium we have. Every type of game has a different type of vector of tellings stories in their game. Like I'm too busy trying to micro my units, I don't have time. After an intense RTS match, you kind of want that story to be the reward for a fun mission. So each game has their own kind of strengths and weaknesses in storytelling, and in just the way you have to structure your story for that game type, and I think card games--especially with the nature of this one being quite difficult--tend to focus more on the characters and its setting, as those matter more. People fall in love with Hearthstone more for the vibe it's in.
"This is the craziest card we've ever made." -- Ben Brode, game director.
In terms of switching things up, and offering new ways to play the game, is there one thing in particular about The Witchwood that strikes you as really appealing?
What I'm really excited about is the new keyword Echo. With cards that have Echo, you can play them as many times as you have mana on your turn. For example, we have a card called Phantom Militia, it's a three cost card, it's got two attack and four health and a taunt--so it's a pretty significant defender if you're trying to stop your opponent from overrunning you. You can play it for three mana if you want to start off strong or if you want to stop an aggressive player, but if this match-up is not about staying alive and it's about getting the highest value out of your cards, then you want to wait till it turns six and play it twice, or want to wait till it turns nine and play it three times. As long as you got the mana, you can play every card over and over again. Choosing to wait to get more value out of it is a super interesting decision; there's a lot of types of those cards in this new set. I think this mechanic is something players are going to find really fun.
Hearthstone has been around for four years now, and the game's popularity is still growing rapidly. Do you have any comments about the impact it's had on Blizzard, and just what the general reception to the game means for you?
Well, I think one of the most interesting things about card games is that the way we release cards consistently, it's always exciting for people to see more added to the game. I've always believed that Hearthstone would grow and get bigger and bigger. Though I will say that not everyone was as confident as me [laughs], but I definitely could tell we had something special going on. Not many games can say they've been around like World of Warcraft has. So I think it's a difficult goal to shoot for, but I think we can easily go forever with Hearthstone. There's so many things we're excited about doing, we're actually working on in-game tournaments to allow friends and others online to get together and organize their own events. The game's got an infinitely designed space, and we're way, way far away from tapping out all the cool ideas we have. I can't wait to see what the game looks like in 10 or 20 years.
Update: After identifying the cause of Fortnite's problem, Epic is bringing to bring the game back online. At 9:55 AM PT / 12:55 PM ET / 5:55 PM BST, the studio tweeted, "Services should begin to recover over the next couple of hours. Due to issues with our account system, players on PS4 will be unable to login for an additional period of time. We're sorry for the extended downtime. We'll update you in an hour." A subsequent tweet says it's seeing "improvements across all platforms." The original story follows.
Fortnite servers are down right now, preventing players from getting online with the game on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and PC. In other words, if you can't log in or are running into a queue, it's not a problem on your end. Developer Epic Games initially took the servers offline at night on April 11, and they remain offline today, April 12, at the time of this writing, according to Epic's status page. [Update: The latest word from Epic is that it believes it's identified the cause of the problem, though there's still no indication of when everyone will be able to get online.]
Unfortunately, there's no word on when service will be restored. Epic apologized for the matter on Twitter but has yet to offer any sense for when you'll be able to get back online. The developer is currently at work on upgrading its database, and a post on Fortnite: Battle Royale's subreddit expands on exactly what went wrong.
"We had a critical failure to one of the databases supporting our account service, and as a result our login and matchmaking systems were blocked," Epic explained. "We limited account traffic and rolled out changes to address timed-out requests to account service nodes, but these initial fixes were less resilient than we had hoped. We're working on more comprehensive upgrades to fully stabilize the system, but will need to go into emergency maintenance to apply them."
It's since provided another update that doesn't sound much more positive: "We're sorry for the ongoing extended instability. We had a critical failure with one of our account service databases. As a result, our login and matchmaking systems are unstable. Our team has been working through the night on fixes in order to bring the game fully back up. Right now we don't know how long it will take, but we will update you hourly."
It has been a rough day for Fortnite. Before bringing down the servers completely, Epic acknowledged Fortnite was facing issues that prevented some from logging in. It also had to disable the Guided Missile weapon due to a new animation bug; we don't yet know when that will return to the game, either.
The server downtime comes at a very unfortunate time for Fortnite, as the game's big 3.5 update was just released. Among other things, it added a new, potentially game-changing item in the form of the Port-a-Fort, which creates a fort for protection in a matter of seconds. You can see the full patch notes here.
Nintendo Switch owners looking for something to play now have a lot of new options to choose from. A load of new titles are now available on the Eshop. This week sees 18 games arrive on the digital storefront, along with a pair of demos and a new Eshop sale that's underway for a limited time.
Headlining this week's releases is the acclaimed survival game Don't Starve. The title puts players in the role of Wilson, a gentlemanly scientist trapped in the wilderness by a demon. Players will have to guide Wilson around the hostile world, gathering resources and food in order to stave off starvation. The Switch version also includes the Reign of Giants and Shipwrecked DLC expansions.
In addition to Don't Starve, this week sees the release of the charming adventure game Burly Men at Sea. The title follows the story of three big, bearded fisherman, who "step away from the ordinary to seek adventure." The game features multiple branching pathways depending on your choices which will take the fishermen through "a series of encounters with creatures from folklore."
Other new Switch releases this week include the latest classic Neo Geo game, Gururin; the voxel adventure game Eternal Edge; the humorous brawler Super Daryl Deluxe; the tactical RPG Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs; and the Bomberman-like game Bombslinger. You can find the full list of this week's new Switch games below.
An adorable new figure of The Witcher 3's Geralt is now available for pre-order. The chibi-style Nendoroid figure includes Gwent cards, his steel and silver swords, and, of course, the infamous bathtub. You can find the figure on GoodSmile's English website.
Nendoroids are posable figures that often come with several face options, props, and parts. Because of the big-head, small-body style, a lot of Nendoroid figures are of anime characters--but not all of them, obviously. Geralt of Rivia is the latest addition to the line. You can see all his sample poses below.
Nendoroid Geralt costs 4,815 yen before tax. With tax and shipping from Japan, it's about $69 for the figure. The website notes that "he also comes with an interchangeable face plate that captures the veins along his face when he overdoses on decoctions and potions!"
The new trailer for Ocean's 8 is here. The movie is the latest entry in the series of hit heist thrillers that kicked off with 2001's Ocean's Eleven and features an all-female gang, led by Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett.
Like the first trailer in December , it shows that the movie is very much following the template laid down by the previous films. Bullock plays Debbie Ocean, the sister of George Clooney's character in the originals, and she puts together a team to perform a seemingly impossible heist--in this case stealing diamonds from the Met Gala in New York. Check it out above.
Ocean's 8 also stars Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Rihanna, Mindy Kaling, Awkwafina, and Sarah Paulson and opens on June 8, 2018. Homeland's Damian Lewis plays the film's villain, while Matt Damon, one of the stars of the original movies, is also set to cameo.
Itis directed by The Hunger Games' Gary Ross and produced by Steven Soderbergh, who helmed the earlier movies. In an interview with Slashfilm last year, Ross explained that he would very much follow the tone set by Soderbergh's trilogy. "I think it's a pretty similar tone," he said. "You know, Steven and I are incredibly close friends, and we would not have done this if we weren't. I don't think he would've wanted anyone to do it if we weren't. This is very much an extension and a continuation."
Ocean's Eleven earned $450 million worldwide in 2001. While the two sequels weren't quite as successful, they all proved to be considerable box office hits, helping the franchise reach more than $1.1 billion at the box office.
Now, with God of War's release date drawing ever closer, reviews have gone live for the next big PS4 game, and it seems critics are impressed. In our God of War review, Peter Brown awarded the action-adventure title a 9/10, saying it's a "spectacular action game with epic set pieces, big-budget production values, and hard-hitting combat." For more on what critics thought, check out our review roundup below, or head over to Metacritic for a wider view of the game's critical reception.
Game: God of War
Developer / Publisher: Sony Santa Monica / Sony
Platforms: PS4
Release Date: April 20
Price: US $60 / £53 / AU $100
GameSpot -- 9/10
"In many ways God of War is what the series has always been. It's a spectacular action game with epic set pieces, big-budget production values, and hard-hitting combat that grows more feverish and impressive as you progress. What may surprise you is how mature its storytelling has become. Like Kratos, God of War recalls the past while acknowledging the need to improve. Everything new it does is for the better, and everything it holds onto benefits as a result. Kratos is no longer a predictable brute. God of War is no longer an old-fashioned action series. With this reboot, it confidently walks a new path that will hopefully lead to more exciting adventures to come." -- Peter Brown [Full review]
IGN -- 10/10
"I expected great action from God of War, and it delivers that handily. But I didn't expect it to be a thrilling journey in which every aspect of it complements the others to form what is nothing short of a masterpiece. It's a game in which Kratos, a previously one-note character, becomes a complex father, warrior, and monster, embattled both on the field and within his own heart about how to treat his son; one in which the world opens up and shifts, offering rewards in both gameplay and knowledge of its lore that I treasured with each accomplishment. The obvious care that went into crafting its world, characters, and gameplay delivers by far the most stirring and memorable game in the series." -- Jonathon Dornbush [Full review]
The Guardian -- 5/5
"It is rare to play a game so accomplished in everything it sets out to do. God of War is a standard-setter both technologically and narratively. It is a game that, until recently, would have been impossible." -- Keza MacDonald [Full review]
Game Informer -- 9.75/10
"Years ago, Kratos killed the deities of Mount Olympus in a gory rampage. Now, in the Norse realm, he has remade himself into a different kind of god. He is quieter and more deliberate, affected by his history but not constrained by it. Kratos' reinvention serves as a narrative hook, but it also parallels the series' evolution as a whole; where God of War once relied on bombast and bloodlust, now it leaves space for strategy and nuance. It still has superb action and plenty of jaw-dropping moments, but it supports them with a new level of depth and maturity. God of War learns from its past while clearing an exciting path for the future, and emerges as one of the best games of this generation." -- Joe Juba [Full review]
Variety -- No Score
"Kratos remains capable of startling violence. But there is a sense that even Sony Santa Monica has recoiled from some of 'God of War's' legacy, and the game is better for it. It is a game that treats its history with respect where appropriate, but without obligation, even in its very concluding moments. This new God of War has some rough edges remaining in its transition to something new, but even in its concluding moments, it commits to its vision in a way that few games do--and it's the first time the series has felt vibrant and important in a decade." -- Arthur Gies [Full review]
Eurogamer -- Recommended
"Like Kratos, the god of fury who must learn not to fear his son, this is a strange beast, really. The latest technology and astonishing craft and artistry are employed to deliver a game of extremely simple pleasures--a wash of new pseudo-ideas that cannot hide the fact that the basics remain unfixed because they were not broken. God of War dresses things up, in other words, but it is ultimately the same deal it always was. As is the way with myths, I guess. As is the way with gods." -- Christian Donlan [Full review]
Following its most recent update, Fortnite's next set of challenges have gone live on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and mobile. Week 8 involves the usual mixture of straightforward objectives and several that will either require some additional legwork or a guide to completing them.
The most notable of the bunch is one that asks you to dance on different Dance Floors. These are newly added areas in the latest update, and you'll have to find a total of three to do your thing on in order to pass this challenge. Fortunately, you don't have to do all of this in a single match.
Another one that may trip you up is a Hard-difficulty challenge telling you to search between Three Boats. This requires you to know the map well, have a guide, or to just piece together that Loot Lake is where you'll find boats. Head there and pick up the Battle Star on the southeastern dock to complete the challenge.
Finally, the last of the trickier Week 8 challenges is one asking you to use a Vending Machine. These were added in the 3.4 content update and allow you to exchange materials you've collected for different items. You can check out our Vending Machine locations guide to find the most likely areas for one to show up.
Other Week 8 challenges include one that asks you to deal damage with explosive weapons. That should be easy enough, although you'll have one less weapon with which to do so, as the Guided Missile has been disabled temporarily at the time of this week. That's due to an animation bug following the release of Fortnite's 3.5 update.
You can check out the full list of challenges below--these are available to complete on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and mobile, provided you own the Season 3 Battle Pass. Completing challenges allows you to more quickly level up the Battle Pass, earning you Season 3 skins and rewards.
Fortnite Week 8 Challenges
Use a Vending Machine -- 5 Battle Stars
Deal damage with Explosive Weapons to opponents (500) -- 5 Battle Stars
Search Chests in Snobby Shores (7) -- 5 Battle Stars
Dance on different Dance Floors (3) -- 5 Battle Stars
Hard: Search between Three Boats -- 10 Battle Stars
Since its North American release in 2012, the MMO Tera has continued to receive a steady stream of updates and patches. And the next, Godsfall, is set to release on April 17. In addition to new story elements and a slate of new demons to face, the highlight will be the introduction of new Apex skills for seven of the game's classes. And if you want to get an early boost on the new content, we're running an code giveaway for Tera that awards entrants an assortment of in-game bonuses.
Godsfall's new Apex skills will initially only apply to the following classes: Berserker, Brawler, Lancer, Warrior, Mystic, Priest, and Slayer. More classes will receive their own Apex abilities, and thus be able to take part in updated quests, in future updates to the game later this year. You can check out the first round of Apex combat skills in the video above.
According to a press release for Godsfall, the update will introduce a "time-traveling story quest" that will "take players back through time to defeat the powerful dragon Khemadia." In addition, "Players will find themselves facing their own personal demons as they progress through the quests, including their Temper, Self-Doubt, and Guilt in this god-killing, time-traveling mission." Tera's new story elements will be available to level 65 characters with an item level of 439 or higher.
Check out the full Apex skills patch notes for each class below:
Active Apex skills
Unleash: Sacrifice HP to activate "Unleashed" skills
Unleashed: Dexterity: Attacks that each hit increases skill damage and attack speed, and damage of Unleashed: Rampage
Unleashed: Sinister: Attacks that each hit increases skill damage and attack speed, and decrease cooldown of Unleashed: Beast Fury
Unleashed: Rampage: Attack with both hands. Each hit increases attack speed, and increases damage of Unleashed: Beast Fury
Unleashed: Beast Fury: Charge forward and attack multiple times. Uses and consumes accumulated bonuses
Passive Apex skills
Endless Rage: Faster movement while charging a skill
Eye of the Storm: Chance to reset cooldown of Cyclone
Bloodshed: Increases chance to land a critical hit
Active Apex skills
Flying Kick: (Range 7 meters) Spinning back kick. When used after other skills, Flying Kick moves you an additional 6 meters forward, and deals more damage
One-Inch Punch: Stuns an enemy, deals massive damage, and has a high probability of knocking the enemy down
Rhythmic Blows: A flurry of punches ending with an uppercut to knock targets into the air
Passive Apex skills
Concentrate: Each perfect defense increases damage to One-Inch Punch and Haymaker
Self-control: Increase damage when Rage is 75% or more
Haymaker: Acceleration: Haymaker increases speed of One-Inch Punch
Active Apex skills
Super Leap: Make a superheroic leap over enemies and smash the ground, knocking targets into the air
Guardian Barrier: Open a wide movable shield that reflects damage to protect you and allies
Divine Protection: 10 second damage shield for you and allies
Passive Apex skills
Stronghold Shift: Stand Fast is now movable
Retribution Shield: Reflects damage on "perfect defense"
Bastion Guard: More resistance to push-back from monsters
Active Apex skills
Mass Teleport: Teleport multiple group members
Summon: Thrall Lord: Summons an "super thrall" which deals damage to nearby enemies
Arunic Release: Release the HP and MP recovery of all motes in front of you
Thrall Augmentation: While activate, all summoned thralls grant beneficial effects to nearby allies
Active Apex skills
Divine Charge: Replenish MP, heals HP and increase power and crit power to group members
Mass Divine Intervention: Teleport up to 4 allies to the priest
Holy Burst: Fires a bolt of heals and adds the Devoted Favor effect to allies while damaging enemies
Edict of Judgment: Boosts priest's damage skills and group power by 20 and crit factor by 30. Hits are counted as from the rear.
Passive Apex skills
Protective Response: Decreases cooldowns of several skills
Devoted Favor: Reduce damage taken 5%, heals 100 HP per second
Mass Divine Intervention: Increase number of targets affected by Divine Intervention
Active Apex skills
Punishing Blow: Leap into the air and slam your greatsword into the ground to knockdown enemies
Blazing Thrust: Massive attack that changes subsequent attacks into back attacks
Unsheathe: Charge up your greatsword for a devastating spin attack with greater reach
In honor of TERA's upcoming Godsfall update, We're giving away 10,000 single-use codes to redeem in-game items. These are an instant win. Scroll down to enter below.
GrandHYDRATH Smart Box permanent costume – This box contains a HYDRATH Uniform suitable for the race and gender of the character it is redeemed on. This costume is permanent and will not expire.
40x Valkyon Health Potions – Recovers 50% of your characters HP.
20x Strong Bravery Potions – Increases character attack speed, damage, and defense in the open world.
1x (1-day) Shape Changer: Big Head – Temporarily increases the size of your characters head.
In November last year it was announced that Chinese actress Liu Yifei will play the title role in Disney's upcoming adaptation of the animated favorite Mulan. It has now been reported that she will be joined by martial arts superstar and Star Wars: Rogue One actor Donnie Yen.
According to Deadline, Yen will play Commander Tung, who is a mentor and teacher to Mulan. This is Yen's second major role for Disney after he played blind warrior Chirrut Imwe in Rogue One. He is also one of the biggest stars in China and Hong Kong, and is known for the hugely Ip Man series as well as movies such as Iron Monkey and Hero.
Mulan is scheduled to hit theaters on March 27, 2020 and is directed by Niki Caro, who is best known for the acclaimed drama Whale Rider. It will combine the story of the 1998 animated film with the tale of the legendary Hua Mulan, who impersonated a man to fight against a Hun invasion in the 4th Century.
In 2016, it was reported that Disney was deliberately seeking an all-Asian cast, to avoid the accusations of "white-washing" that have been levelled at a number of high-profile movies lately. The anime adaptation Ghost in the Shell was criticised for casting Scarlett Johansson in the lead role, while actor Ed Skrein quit the upcoming reboot of Hellboy after learning that the role he had taken was Asian in the Hellboy comic books.
Mulan is just one of several live-action remakes of classic Disney movies currently in development. New versions of The Lion King and Aladdin are expected in 2019, with Dumbo, Pinocchio, and The Jungle Book 2 also in the works.
A recent Fortnite update has introduced yet another wrinkle to Battle Royale: Vending Machines. Track one down, and you can trade in materials you've gathered for a variety of items. You'll often find them in the same spots, but they are not fixtures. Below, we've detailed the common locations and where to find them, as well as exactly how they function and what prices are like.
You'll find Vending Machines all around the map--typically indoors, if our experience is any indication, though we've also found one that was outdoors. Each one has three items for sale and will gradually rotate through them. You can wait for it to change to the item you want to purchase, or you can hit the machine with your pickaxe to make it jump to the next of the three.
Vending Machines are each randomly assigned a rarity level at the start of a match, as the patch notes explain. They then sell items at that specific rarity--one for each material type (wood, stone, and metal). You'll need a specific amount of that material to buy the corresponding item, though you're free to buy as many items as you wish, provided you can afford it. That may put a renewed emphasis on collecting materials with the pickaxe, even for players who don't care about building. Here's how much items will cost at each rarity:
Common (white) items -- 100 materials
Uncommon (green) items -- 200 materials
Rare (blue) -- 300 materials
Epic (purple) -- 400 materials
Legendary (gold) -- 500 materials
In terms of finding the Vending Machines, they're scattered all across the map, but they don't always appear in the same spots. You can see what it's like to interact with some in the video above, and we've also compiled the map you see above, which combines the discoveries of Reddit user clizzythegod with those we've found ourselves. As you'd expect, you'll most easily find Vending Machines in high-density areas like Pleasant Park, Tilted Towers, Salty Springs, and Retail Row, but there are others in unnamed parts of the map.
Vending Machines were added as part of Fortnite's 3.4 content update for mobile, PS4, Xbox One, and PC. This is part of developer Epic Games' new plan to roll out new content every other week. These content updates won't individually require you to download anything, as it seems the additions will be included as part of earlier patches. We've since gotten update 3.5, which adds the Port-a-Fort.
We're coming up on the halfway point of the month, which means two of April's free Games with Gold will be going back to their regular price. Time's running out to grab them for free, so make sure to hit that download button before the sun sets on April 15.
On Xbox One, the holdover from March's Games With Gold is Superhot, the inventive shooter in which time only moves when your character moves. It's still available for free through April 15. Over on Xbox 360, Cars 2 will go back to its regular price the same day. As a reminder, you can play all Xbox 360 games on your Xbox One, thanks to the magic of backwards compatibility.
Though it's a bummer to see those two games go, we can look forward to downloading two new free games starting April 16. And they're particularly great games, too. On Xbox One, Assassin's Creed Syndicate joins Games with Gold; it will be free until May 15. The Xbox 360 game going free on April 16 is the fantastic horror shooter Dead Space 2. It will be free through April 30, and will also be playable on Xbox One. Also, The Witness is free throughout all of April.
Pokemon Go's next real-world event is right around the corner. This month's Community Day takes place this Sunday, April 15, and gives players around the world a chance to earn bonuses and obtain a Pokemon that knows a special event-exclusive move.
As usual, the event will only run during a three-hour window, which begins at different times depending on where you live. The event kicks off in the US at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET and ends at 2 PM PT / 5 PM ET; in Europe and Africa, it runs from 10 AM - 1 PM UTC; and in the Asia-Pacific region, the event lasts from 12 PM - 3 PM JST.
The bonus Niantic is offering this month is a dramatic reduction to how long it takes Eggs to hatch. During the event hours, all Eggs will hatch at a quarter of the distance they typically require. In addition to that, any Lure Modules that are used will remain activate for three hours.
The featured Pokemon for this month's Community Day is Mareep. The Electric-type sheep will spawn in greater numbers during the event hours. If players manage to evolve it into its final form, Ampharos, before the Community Day ends, the Pokemon will learn the Dragon-type attack Dragon Pulse.
April's Community Day coincides with the ongoing Kanto Week event. That runs until April 17 and makes it easier to find Pokemon originally from the Red and Blue versions, such as Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Pikachu. Additionally, other Gen I monsters like Snorlax and Aerodactyl will appear as Raid bosses, and players will earn twice as much Candy for capturing and transferring Pokemon.
In addition to that, players still have an opportunity to capture a new Legendary Pokemon. From now until May 8, the Eon Pokemon Latios and Latias will be available in Raid Battles in different parts of the world. The former can be found in North America, South America, and Africa, while the latter is currently exclusive to Europe and Asia. On that date, the two Legendaries will swap regions, where they will remain until June 5.
Every week, Microsoft puts a new set of games on sale. This one is no different, with a huge list of deals ripe for the picking. In addition to the standard Deals With Gold weekly sale, this week also brings the Spring Add-On Sale, where you can get DLC and in-game currency for discounted rates. Both sales end Monday, April 16. Here's the complete list, but we'll dig into the most notable discounts below.
Deals With Gold
To get the discounted rates in the Deals With Gold sale, you have to have a current Xbox Live Gold subscription. This week's sales aren't all that exciting, but there are a few stand-out games.
Racing game fans have many deals to choose from this week, starting with the recently released open-world game Burnout Paradise Remastered. It's down to $30/£26. F1 2017 got a big price drop to $18/£17. If rally racing is more your speed, you can scoop up Dirt 4 for $18/£17 or Dirt Rally for $12/£11.
You don't need Xbox Live Gold to get these add-ons at a discount. A ridiculous number of add-ons are on sale right now, so if you don't see what you want here, check out the full list to see if you can get your game's expansions for cheap.
With that out of the way, here are some of the more notable deals.
Also note that a bunch of Xbox 360 games are included in the Spring Add-On Sale, so check those out if you're still interested in games like Gears of War 3 and Red Dead Redemption (which just got a great-looking Xbox One X enhancement update). Also, Dead Space 2's Severed DLC is currently free. Next week Dead Space 2 will go free for Xbox Live Gold subscribers, so download that expansion now if you'll want to play it down the line.
The April headliner for Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass is now available for download. Robocraft Infinity marks the first ID@Xbox game to join Game Pass on the day of launch. It allows you to build custom robot designs and then match them up against other players in Battle Arena and Deathmatch modes.
Game Pass is Microsoft's subscription service for Xbox One, offering a collection of more than 100 games for $10 per month. The company announced an ambitious plan to offer first-party games at launch as part of the service, starting with Sea of Thieves. Robocraft Infinity is in that company as well, and future Microsoft-published games like State of Decay 2 and Crackdown 3 will be included as well. You can see the full list of available games here.
Blizzard has revealed the final cards for its upcoming Hearthstone expansion, The Witchwood. This latest addition to the digital card game will add 135 cards in all when it releases today, April 12. It all centers around a spooky haunted forest theme with creepy new features and keywords.
Rush, one of the new keywords, is similar to the existing Charge mechanic but restricted only to attacking minions on the turn they are first played. The other is Echo, which lets you play the same card multiple times in a turn as long as you have the mana to pay for it. Other mechanics add flavor without their own devoted keyword. Worgen characters swap attack and health (and visual art) every turn they're in your hand. Finally, some of the new cards have special effects if you build a deck only out of even- or odd-costed cards.
If you'd like to jump aboard, you still have a few hours to claim some free packs for completing daily quests. Once the expansion launches, you can log in and claim three free packs and a free class legendary. You can read our chat with game director Ben Brode for more insights on the expansion and why this may be the best time for newcomers to join.
Check out the full list of expansion cards below, organized by class.
This is Steam Punks, where we take a look at the top PC Steam games each week, cutting through the clutter and showing you the best hidden video game gems. We all know about the big releases of course (another version of Skyrim, anyone?) but here are some smaller titles that are still well worth your time.
The charming new Zelda-style adventure Minit askes you to complete your quest with the restriction of 60-second lives. It's not the first RPG-style game to explore this time mechanic, but Minit sets itself apart with its incredibly focused design, and its unbridled creativity in its quests, characters, and wealth of secrets.
The Adventure Pals is an off-the-wall, Cartoon Network-inspired action platformer which Jess finds very comforting to play. The difficulty echoes something along the lines of a Kirby game, and there's a lot of joy in seeing what kinds of bizarre characters and designs the game can surprise you with.
Airmech Strike, is the latest in the Airmech series of games, this time with a MOBA twist, which has just graduated from Steam Early Access. Even if you've got genre fatigue, the fast-paced, shoot-em-up nature, along with some actual real-time strategy components might be enough to win over that part of your brain. With its focus on 1v1 and 2v2 matches, along with simple fact that you get to fly around in a transforming robot, Airmech Strike a low-investment game that is worth giving a shot, even just to watch some AI opponents explore.
Finally, Train Valley 2 is a Steam Early Access tycoon puzzle game that lets you play at your own pace in order to think about the logistics of a rail network and create the most efficient infrastructure possible. It's got a lovely, calming low-poly graphical presentation so if you like your micromanagement tasks to be a little more chill, Train Valley has got your back.
Minit is also available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The Adventure Pals is also available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Have you been playing any fantastic new PC games that we missed? Let us know on Twitter: @EdmondTran + @JessMcDonell
This is a week of originals on Netflix. Each title being added to the service is exclusively available from the streamer, and there's a few of them you are going to want to pay very close attention to.
The biggest new release of the week is the arrival of Lost in Space Season 1. After the reboot of the classic TV series debuted its series premiere--which GameSpot's own Michael Rougeau called a "promising start" for the show in his Lost in Space review--at WonderCon, the 10-episode season will begin streaming on April 13, and it's one you're not going to want to miss.
Additionally, this week sees new seasons of The Magic School Bus Rides Again and AMO, along with original films Come Sunday, I'm Not an Easy Man, and Pickpockets--which is set on Bogota as a group of teens learn to be master thieves. For cooking show fans, a new episode of Chef's Table will debut, this one focused on pastries.
Microsoft is already running a sale on Xbox games this week, but five additional big games have just gotten price drops. You have the weekend to make your picks, because these sale prices will only last through Monday, April 16. Here's a rundown on all the new Xbox One deals you can get right now.
Also on sale is Halo 5: Guardians, the standard edition of which you can grab for $16/£12. If you want some extra digital items and Halo: The Fall of Reach animated series included, you can buy the digital deluxe edition for $30/£21.
Next up is the open-world action-RPG The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Special Edition. This version is graphically enhanced for Xbox One, and it comes with all the DLC. It's on sale for $20/£15.
Racing fans who already own Forza Horizon 3 might be interested in scooping up all the add-ons Microsoft has released for the game--all the monthly DLC car packs, plus the Blizzard Mountain and Hot Wheels expansions--in one bundle. The Complete Add-Ons Collection normally costs $139/£120, but it's currently on sale for $42/£36.
If you're interested in a quieter, more narrative-driven game, check out Gone Home: Console Edition, which is available for $14/£12. That wraps up the new Xbox One game sales. We'll let you know if any other notable games go on sale before Tuesday, when these sales end and a new batch will take their place.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze continues the trend of grabbing the best and brightest underplayed games for the Wii U and putting them out on Nintendo's new (and more successful) console. These usually sport at least some minor tweaks, and Nintendo had some fun inserting a new Easter egg in DK's adventure to tip its hat to the new system.
As noticed by GameXplain in the video below, the Donkey Kong crew plays Nintendo Switch if you leave the controller alone for a little while. The animations show some variety depending on which Kong is in play. DK plays Switch, notably starting up a game of Tropical Freeze itself. His old buddy Diddy plays with him using the co-op with joy-cons, while Dixie is a bit more mischievous by grabbing them from him to play. Cranky Kong, true to his name, refuses to play.
Tropical Freeze was well-regarded when it was released in 2014, having earned a nomination for GameSpot's Wii U Game of the Year. Nintendo has been keen to get its Wii U games in front of the larger Switch audience, with re-releases like Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors, and the upcoming Captain Toad Treasure Tracker.
Tropical Freeze for Switch adds another new Kong to the mix, Funky Kong. The new addition gives players an easier option to play through the game's notorious difficulty, as Funky can double jump and hover, stay underwater without running out of air, and land on spikes without dying. He's only available in the new "Funky Mode," which includes co-op play if you need an easier option for a novice buddy.
A new in-game event is underway in Pokemon Go. For the next few days, Niantic is holding Kanto Week, an event celebrating the classic Red and Blue versions with increased spawn rates for some Gen I Pokemon and other bonuses.
Kanto Week runs from now until April 17. For the duration of the event, Kanto-native Pokemon, like the original starting trio Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, will appear much more frequently in the wild. Other Gen I monsters, such as Aerodactyl and Snorlax, will also return to Raid Battles.
In addition to that, players will receive double the normal amount of Candy for capturing and transferring Pokemon during Kanto Week. Niantic is also offering special boxes from the in-game store that contain Raid Passes and other helpful items.
Kanto Week ties into the recently added Special Research quest to find Mew. As part of the tasks to encounter the Mythical Pokemon, players need to earn a gold Kanto medal, which is awarded for capturing 100 Pokemon from the region. This event should make it easier to accomplish that feat.
Kanto Week runs through Pokemon Go's next Community Day, which takes place this coming Sunday, April 15. During that event, Eggs will hatch at a quarter of the distance they typically require. Players will also have a greater chance to capture the Electric-type sheep Mareep; if it evolves into Ampharos during the event hours, the Pokemon will learn the powerful Dragon-type attack Dragon Pulse.
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on Xbox One has garnered a large playerbase since its release, but content-wise it still only features one map. Developer PUBG Corp. announced today at PAX East that this will change in May, when the studio adds Miramar, the desert map that has already been available for PC players for a few months.
PUBG Corp has revealed that the desert map, called Miramar, will come to the Xbox One version of the game next month. Right now, only the original map Erangel is playable. The studio hasn't provided a specific release date yet for the map, although it promises that more info will be announced soon. In the meantime, a new Xbox One update is coming.
As you can see in the video embedded at the top of this article, Miramar is a lot different than Erangel. Where the original map is green and lush, with lots of trees and vegetation to provide cover, Miramar is much more sparse. Players are a lot more exposed when running between buildings. In addition, the map includes three additional vehicles: the minibus, the pickup truck, and the jetski.
In other PUBG news, the developer is currently working on a third map for the PC version. This is a much smaller arena, a quarter of the size of the other two. As a result, it encourages much quicker confrontations and more aggressive play styles; in fact, it feels a bit more like Fortnite. An early version was recently playable on the PC test servers for select players.
While Bungie has become more open in sharing its plans for updates for Destiny 2, word on the game's second DLC expansion has been scant. Now, the studio has finally provided a name and release date for DLC 2: Warmind officially launches on May 8.
Unfortunately, details on what Warmind actually consists of haven't yet been shared. That information will start to be shared on April 24, when Bungie hosts a reveal livestream. For now, all we know is what you'd expect--the DLC "will send you to new places to meet new heroes and battle new enemies," and there will be new loot and activities introduced, according to a post on Bungie's website.
Warmind's release will coincide with that of Season 3 for Destiny 2. Bungie updated its roadmap for the future of the game, and we know that this update will add seasonal Crucible rankings, private matches, an increase to vault space, support for multiple equipped emotes, Exotic weapon Masterworks, and more. Later in the summer, Season 3 will also bring bounties, a new seasonal event, Faction Rally improvements, and changes to the Exotic armor sandbox. Season 4 in September will bring gear collections, weapon slot changes, and more.
Season 3 also marks a significant change to how Crucible content is handled. All new maps from Warmind (and the Curse of Osiris DLC before it) will be available in matchmaking to all players, whether or not they own the DLC. However, to play the maps in the newly added private matches, you'll have to purchase the DLC.
Bandai Namco has announced another addition to SoulCalibur 6's roster of fighters: Siegfried. Longtime players will no doubt be happy to see the giant-sword wielding warrior return for the sixth entry, as he is a popular character alongside his corrupted counterpart, Nightmare, who is also set to appear.
"After losing to Kilik and his comrades in the form of Nightmare, Siegfried awoke in an unfamiliar place and he is now unable to free himself from the unforgiving memories of his time spent as the cursed sword's puppet," reads a brief origin story for this version of Seigfried. "The memory of having killed his own father is haunting him. His true nightmare has only just begun. Full of regrets, he is looking for redemption and he desperately wants to free himself from the cursed sword's grasp."
Based on the trailer, Seigfried is as angsty as ever but, more importantly, still very handy with the steel. His barrage of sword attacks look deadly, and will no doubt require opponents to constantly think about high-low mixups, as well as ensure he isn't given too many openings as, once he gets going, he's difficult to stop.
In March, Bandai Namco announced a guest character for SoulCalibur VI, and it was The Witcher's Geralt. "We've collaborated with Bandai Namco artists to faithfully recreate Geralt, and shared original Witcher 3: Wild Hunt assets like Geralt's model, animations, and weapons," said CD Projekt Red community lead Marcin Momot. "I think Bandai Namco did an outstanding job of capturing all the details and introducing The Witcher to SoulCalibur in a way fans of both series will enjoy."
Since then it's been revealed that Geralt will also be featured on the SoulCalibur VI cover. The game does not yet have an exact release date, but it's due out for PS4, Xbox One, and PC sometime this year.
The free-to-play Monster Hunter-like action game Dauntless is one of the year's most ambitious PC releases, and soon players everywhere will have a chance to try it out. Developer Phoenix Labs has announced an open beta for the cooperative RPG, which is slated to begin next month.
Starting May 24, players around the world will be able to download and participate in the Dauntless open beta. Much like Monster Hunter, Dauntless puts players in the role of Slayers, who must work together to hunt down fearsome creatures known as Behemoths. Up to four players can set out together to battle Behemoths, using a variety of different weapons and armor to take down the monsters.
While the open beta will be free for everyone to join, players will also have the option to purchase customization items for their Slayers. However, Phoenix Labs says these will strictly be cosmetic in nature and won't have any bearing on the gameplay. Likewise, Dauntless does not offer any type of loot boxes.
Following its open beta launch, players will no longer be able to purchase any of Dauntless's Founders Packs. These come in several tiers and grant players exclusive items as well as access to the game's closed beta, which has been available since September 2017. If you're interested in jumping into the title before its open beta, you can still purchase one of the Founder's Packs from the official Dauntless website.
We got a chance to go hands-on with Dauntless at PAX East 2018. In the video above, you can see us team up with the game's developers to take on Shrike, a giant owl-like monster that makes its home in a forest. You can read our previous impressions of Dauntless here.
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