Sunday, October 28, 2018

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In the 10/29/2018 edition:

Red Dead 2 Cores Guide: How Health, Stamina, And Dead Eye Cores Work

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 11:09 pm

Among the new systems introduced in Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are Cores, which reflect the state of Arthur's abilities. These are represented via the circular meters located just above your mini-map on the HUD. If you want to perform at your best, you'll need to pay attention to these Cores and the bars that encircle them.

If you've just started the game, chances are all of this Core and bar talk might be a bit confusing. After all, you're only given a very brief explanation in-game on how it all works, and this comes while you might be paying attention to dialogue or other happenings. And the details in the menu offer only so much insight. To help you get a grasp of the Core system, we've detailed in this feature how it all works and other useful information to keep in mind.

If you're looking for more guides, you'd be remiss not to check out our feature highlighting all the tips you should know before playing. Though, we also have guides on more specific subjects, like gun customization and money making. Be sure to read our Red Dead 2 review if you haven't already. If you're having trouble dealing with all this, you can turn on the cheat code that instantly refills your Cores and bars. But we all know that's no fun, so read on to the details below!

What Are Cores And Bars?

As stated, Cores are the circular meters located just above the mini-map. You have three Cores in total: Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye. In addition, there are Cores for your horse's Health and Stamina. The symbol at the center of the circle represents the Core, while the ring meter that surrounds it is known as a bar.

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While the state of your bars are more important in the moment, it's your Cores that ultimately affect your long-term performance. This is because how well you do depends on the state of your corresponding Core. For example, the Health Core dictates how quickly the Health bar regenerates, and likewise for Stamina. If your Health bar is low but the corresponding Health Core has been maintained well, the rate at which you generate Health will be increased.

How Do I Refill My Cores?

To ensure your Cores are in tiptop shape, you'll need to keep yourself well fed, well-rested, and comfortably dressed in the climate you're in. Of course, you can always resort to items if you're ever in a pinch and can't seek out food or rest; Provisions instantly refill your Cores and Tonics will instantly refill your bars. Be mindful of which you choose to take, as while Tonics are good in the moment in the midst of a firefight, they're more short-term life-savers than the long-term benefit of using a Provision.

What Does It Mean To Fortify A Bar?

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As you take Tonics, you'll notice that some fortify specific bars; these are represented as yellow items in your satchel. If you take this type of Tonic, the affected bar will fill up completely and won't drain for a few moments. How long a bar remains fortified depends on the quality of the Tonic. It's also worth noting that some Tonics can negatively impact your Cores, so make sure to pay attention to their descriptions before you take them--lest you want to find yourself made weaker during a firefight or intense hunt.

Bars Level Up Over Time

The state of your Cores affects the regeneration of your Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye, but the more you play the game, the more powerful your bars will become. Sprinting, for example, increases your Stamina bar, while taking damage and then restoring Health will build your Health bar. If you properly maintain yourself, all of your abilities will naturally improve over time.

Horse Cores And Bars

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Horse Cores are represented by the Health and Stamina Cores with horseshoes in the center of them that appear when you're on your horse. While mostly identical to how your own Cores work, where they differ is how you maintain and increase them. Instead of overall maintenance of the horse's physical and dietary needs, you develop its Cores and bars by forming a stronger bond with them. Foods and Tonics can be used to help the general effort, but it's more through riding your horse, praising it, and grooming it will ultimately improve a horse's Health and Stamina.

Red Dead 2 Honor System Guide: How Morality And Honor Work

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 11:09 pm

The new Honor system in Red Dead Redemption 2 works differently than that of its predecessor; it's far more sophisticated. A large number of your actions impact the world, and you'll have to deal with a variety of consequences that can unfold based on what you do, even if it's something as simple as drawing your gun. Based on our experiences with the game, we've rounded up some thoughts and important things to know to help you on your way. It's worth noting that Arthur is a remorseless outlaw who skews toward the morally dubious side given his place in the Van Der Linde gang. But he does have some redeeming qualities, and he isn't totally stone-hearted. In this piece we break down all the key components of the game's honor and morality system.

Performing actions as simple as greeting people will boost his honor, which is represented in the game through a slider that is white and red, and a hat moves up and down. The white hat icon pops up on screen for good deeds, while a red hat emerges when you've done bad things. You can check your honor status at any time by pressing down on the D-pad.

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Some of the other ways you can improve your honor are by throwing back fish that are too small to keep, offering to help people you meet on the side of the road, and sparing people when you have the choice in key situations. You can also pet dogs to boost your honor. Basically, if your deed gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling, you can bet Arthur's honor will improve.

Things that negatively impact Arthur's honor include any number of actions that run from running someone over with your horse to blasting their head clear off with a shotgun. On the other hand, you may become a worse person in the eyes of Red Dead Redemption 2 include assaulting innocent people, looting innocent people's corpses (even if you didn't kill them), murdering people for no reason, mugging people, and running them down with your horse. Keeping fish that are too small also hurts your honor, while failing to mercy kill an animal after you miss a clean kill shot also incurs an honor hit (as it should!).

There are benefits for being nice and honorable, and consequences when you're a jerk. For example, you may come across a man wailing in pain on the side of the road who informs you he's been bit by a poisonous snake. You can suck the poison out and save his life or leave him to die. Upon saving the man, he gushes praise for you selfless and courageous act, but then you just go on your way, presuming to never seen him again. But you later see this man in Strawberry (or another town in the world), and he thanks you again and rewards you by paying for any gun you want from the gunsmith. If you chose to leave the man to die, this most likely never would have happened.

You might accidentally run someone over with your horse or click the shoot button when you meant to simply talk. Thankfully, the honor and morality system is flexible and fluid. So even if you gun down a group of innocents, you can swing back your honor pendulum by making an effort to do more good in the world. Or you can re-load a past save. It's also a good idea to be careful when you're on the extreme edges of the morality meter, as a single action in the opposite direction can knock your rating up or down significantly. For example, editor Edmond Tran accidentally knocked someone over with a horse and saw his honor meter drop by about one eighth, which is a lot.

In my playthrough, I tried to be an absolute monster who constantly engaged in dishonorable actions. I was able to get my morality meter almost completely on the dishonorable side--and I never bathed or contributed to camp--and ended up experiencing a number of adverse effects. Due to my criminal behavior, some missions were listed as temporarily unavailable due to my "Wanted" level, and it can take awhile for these to become available again. This can happen even if you're playing as a more honorable Arthur, so that's something to be aware of.

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What's more, when you accidentally mow someone over with your horse in town, you may not be able to defuse the situation and convince a witness to decide not to report as you could if you were more of a nice guy. I was unable to pay off a witness or threaten them to stop, presumably due to how much of a scumbag I'd been in the past. Not only is it more difficult to persuade witnesses to not report your crime when you're a degenerate, but once they do, you'll encounter heavy patrols of well-armed law enforcement coming after you. On top of that, Bad Arthur racks up bounties individually by region, so you'll always have to be vigilant when traveling around. You can pay your bounty at any post office in the game, but doing so won't instantly make you a white knight.

Your honor level in Red Dead Redemption 2 affects the game in ways you may not immediately notice. For example, the music changes depending on your status, while the journal entries that Arthur records reflect the decisions he's made in the story. What's more, the killcams become more gruesome when you're a detestable jerk who only looks out for number one. If you're playing as Nice Guy Arthur, you'll enjoy benefits like store discounts, among other things.

Rockstar Games has teased that honorable and dishonorable activities will have consequences that you might not see or notice for a very long time, so it will be intriguing to see how some key choices play out in the long run as we continue playing.

What do you think about the honor system in Red Dead Redemption 2? Let us know in the comments below.

Where Fortnite Radar Sign Locations Are To Record A Speed Of 27 Or More (Week 5 Challenge Guide)

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 11:07 pm

With Fortnitemares challenges continuing to roll out, Fortnite: Battle Royale continues to get its standard weekly challenges as well. Season 6, Week 5's are now available, and while a handful of them are easy, the same can't be said for certain others. Specifically, you may need a map to know where to go, which is where we come in. To speed things up we've put together guides for these trickiest challenges, the first of which is to record a speed of 27 or more on different Radar Signs.

Driving fast and recording that speed isn't the difficult part, it's actually finding the locations of the Radar Signs. Again, we've done the legwork for you, so all you've got to do is take a look below, where you'll find their locations. That should make things quicker and easier for you.

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Radar Signs Locations

  • Southwest of Paradise Palms
  • North of Paradise Palms
  • South of Tomato Temple
  • West of Lazy Links
  • South of Pleasant Park

Another tricky challenge this week involves jumping through flaming hoops (when you think about it, pretty much all the challenges do, right?). We've found all of the locations for these flaming hoops and put together a map and video guide.

If you've still got challenges from previous weeks left to complete, you can use our comprehensive Season 6 challenge guide to get those done. Keep in mind that there's also a unique set of Halloween-themed challenges to do this week too. The Fortnitemares event was introduced as part of update 6.20 and, as part of it, there's new cosmetics to unlock too. Check out all the Fortnitemares challenges to see what you need to do to get them.

Update 6.20 and the Fortnitemares event also introduce a PvE element to the game. "During Fortnitemares, you'll face off against Cube Monsters in a whole new way of playing Battle Royale," Epic explains. "There are new weapons to fight back against these creepy creatures, like the Six Shooter and Fiend Hunter Crossbow.

"Take out the Cube Fiends and Fragments to pick up loot, and survive against enemy players." Interestingly, Fortnitemares seems to blur the line between the Battle Royale mode and Save the World mode by giving players zombie-like enemies to fend off.

You can see the other changes, additions, and tweaks that have been made to Fortnite this week by reading the update 6.20 patch notes.

Flaming Hoops Locations In Fortnite (Week 5 Challenge Guide)

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 11:07 pm

Season 6, Week 5 of Fortnite has officially begun, meaning the next batch of challenges is now live, ready and waiting for you to complete them. This, it turns out, is easier said than done as there's a couple of tricky challenges among them. The first of these involves finding five flaming hoops and jumping through them using a Shopping Cart or ATK. You might remember this one from previous seasons, as it has been used before. However, the exact locations of the flaming hoops have changed, so you'll still need to dart around the map looking for them.

Or, alternatively, you could use our handy dandy guide here. We've found the flaming hoops and launched ourselves through them. Below you'll find a list of the exact locations of the hoops, along with a map that offers a visual representation of their locations. All you have to do is head to the points and do your best Evel Knievel impression. Just remember to grab an ATK or Shopping Cart along the way. You can also watch the video above to see us do it. Here's where to go:

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Fortnite Season 6, Week 5 Flaming Hoops Locations

  • East of Retail Row on Car Sculpture
  • East of Paradise Palms
  • Northeast of Lucky Landing
  • North side of Dusty Divot
  • Between Risky Reels and Wailing Woods

Alongside the weekly challenges, Fortnite developer Epic Games has also kicked off Fortnitemares, a Halloween event with its own unique selection of challenges. The event is quite different from anything Fortnite's battle royale mode has done before, as it includes an element of PvE.

"During Fortnitemares, you'll face off against Cube Monsters in a whole new way of playing Battle Royale," Epic explains. "There are new weapons to fight back against these creepy creatures, like the Six Shooter and Fiend Hunter Crossbow. Take out the Cube Fiends and Fragments to pick up loot, and survive against enemy players."

The reward for completing the Fortnitemare challenges is cool new cosmetics, including a special skin. The Deadfire Outfit is described as a "new type of reactive outfit" that, as you progress in a match, will change. The shift in visual style is dependent on the damage you deal to your enemies and also how long you're able to stay alive. The skin also comes with the Shackled Stone Back Bling, and the Dark Shard pickaxe is also available in the store. These are also reactive cosmetics.

All this was rolled out as part of the latest patch. Take a look at the full Fortnite update 6.20 patch notes for more on everything that has been changed, tweaked, added, or removed.

Red Dead 2: Our Best Photo Mode Shots Of Stunning Vistas And Nights Around The Campfire

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 11:07 pm

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a beautiful game that's jam-packed with some of the most stunning visuals seen in an open-world game so far. That's mostly thanks to its world, a wide-open frontier of the natural environment filled with trees, sprawling fields, and vast mountains in the distance. There's even a handful of small, yet dense urban towns found in-between these large spaces, each with their own distinct designs and a populace of intriguing citizens. Suffice to say, there's a wealth of sights to see in the game's world that you'll likely want to document.

While the screenshot feature of your PS4 or Xbox One is a viable option to capture a moment, Red Dead Redemption 2 does provide you with your own personal camera. You're given the device early on and can pull it out at any time. During our time spent playing, we were constantly in awe of the gorgeous sights we got to see during our adventures across the frontier. In the slides ahead, you'll find all the pictures we've taken from both our in-game camera and our consoles, which includes shots of sweeping vistas, passing strangers, and moodily-lit nighttime moments by the campfire.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now, having launched on October 26 for Xbox One and PS4; a PC version is rumored but not confirmed. For our full thoughts on how Rockstar's latest open-world adventure turned out, read our RDR 2 review. But if you've never played the original Red Dead Redemption and are curious if you're going to be able to jump into this sequel with no issues, read our feature answering that question. In terms of guides, check out our gallery offering some useful tips you should know. We've also got a money guide, as well as features discussing how morality works and how gun customization works.

What impresses you the most about Red Dead Redemption 2's visuals? Don't hesitate to give a shout in the comments below.

Fallout 76 Beta Dates/Times (PS4, PC, Xbox One): When And How Long Is The Next Test?

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 11:05 pm

The beta for Fallout 76 has officially begun, but as you read this, you likely can't actually play it. That's because Bethesda only has its servers available at certain times; trying to get in outside of these specific windows will yield a "login failed" error. Below, we've got all the details you need to know regarding exactly when you can play. At the time of this writing, the next test takess place on October 28 (October 29 for some regions), again only on Xbox One. Bethesda has also confirmed the first dates and times that will be open to PS4 and PC players. Read on for the full schedule.

Fallout 76's debut test was available only on Xbox One for a four-hour window on October 23. That has since passed, with Bethesda deeming it an "amazing start." Additional test periods will continue to be available for a limited time. The purpose of this is to force players together at a specific time to stress test and put the game through its paces. Sessions will typically last 4-8 hours in a given day, and then the beta will be inoperable again until the next session. The process will repeat between now and the game's release date on November 14.

A beta code is available to anyone who pre-ordered the game across Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4. Pre-loading is only available on Xbox One for now, since the PC and PS4 betas will begin on October 30. You'll receive a code with your physical pre-order to enter into the accounts page, or you'll be entered into the pool automatically if you pre-order a digital copy. Note that those codes don't grant you access. Rather, they put you into the potential pool of players to get a distribution code later, since Bethesda is rolling out the invites in waves.

Upcoming Fallout 76 Beta Times

October 27 (Xbox One only)

  • US Pacific Time: 2 PM - 4 PM
  • US Eastern Time: 5 PM - 7 PM
  • UK BST: 10 PM - 12 AM
  • Australia AEDT: 8 AM - 10 AM (Sunday, October 28)

October 28 (Xbox One only)

  • US Pacific Time: 9 AM - 11 AM
  • US Eastern Time: 12 PM - 2 PM
  • UK GMT: 4 PM - 6 PM
  • Australia AEDT: 3 AM - 5 AM (Monday, October 29)

October 30

  • US Pacific Time: 4 PM - 8 PM
  • US Eastern Time: 7 PM - 11 PM
  • UK GMT: 3 AM - 7 AM (October 31)
  • Australia AEDT: 10 AM - 2 PM (October 31)

November 1

  • US Pacific Time: 11 AM - 4 PM
  • US Eastern Time: 2 PM - 7 PM
  • UK GMT: 6 PM - 11 PM
  • Australia AEDT: 5 AM - 10 AM (November 2)

November 3

  • US Pacific Time: 2 PM - 6 PM
  • US Eastern Time: 5 PM - 9 PM
  • UK GMT: 9 PM - 1 AM
  • Australia AEDT: 8 AM - 12 PM (November 4)

November 4

  • US Pacific Time: 11 AM - 6 PM
  • US Eastern Time: 2 PM - 9 PM
  • UK BST: 9 PM - 1 AM
  • Australia AEDT: 5 AM - 12 PM (November 5)

Bethesda plans to let to keep your progress from the beta through to the full game. Pre-ordering also will get you 500 Atoms, the in-game currency, for purchasing cosmetic items in the shop. Fallout 76 is due out on November 14. For more details, check out our guide to everything we know.

Previous Fallout 76 Beta Times

  • US Pacific Time: 4 PM - 8 PM (Tuesday, October 23)
  • US Eastern Time: 7 PM - 11 PM (Tuesday, October 23)
  • UK BST: 12 AM - 4 AM (Wednesday, October 24)
  • Australia AEDT: 10 AM - 2 PM (Wednesday, October 24)

Fallout 76 Beta Survival Guide: Best Tips And What You Should Do First

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 11:05 pm

Welcome To West Virginia

Compared to the previous entries in the series, Fallout 76 is a very different kind of game. It's the series' first online game, with a far more in-depth focus on survival and crafting. This new approach on the familiar post-apocalyptic RPG's mechanics will take some time getting used to--and players will be doing that together in a shared world. In the beta for Fallout 76 on Xbox One--with PC and PS4 coming next week--those who've pre-ordered will get an early chance to dive into Bethesda's experimental take on the Fallout experience, with all of their progress carried over into the final game.

In this feature, we've come up with several tips and a short list of things to do during your first few hours exploring the ruins of West Virginia. As the earliest game in the Fallout timeline, set only 25 years after the bombs fell, the inhabitants of Vault 76 will explore a world that's still in disarray after the nuclear apocalypse. Though the setting of West Virginia was largely spared from the bombs, radiation and chaos have seeped into the valley, irreparably altering wildlife, and unearthing creatures that many thought to be legend.

The first of Fallout 76's betas is now behind us, but Bethesda has already announced when the next test will take place. Expect plenty more between now and the full game's release date on November 14.

We recently went hands-on with Fallout 76, and came away with a number of interesting observations. While the main hook is the focus on surviving a violent, irradiated world full of other players online, the familiar aspects of the Fallout experience are alive and well in 76--there are even some surprises for the eagle-eyed fans to uncover. With that, here's a quick survival guide to help you overcome the odds.

For more info on Fallout 76, be sure to check out footage from the first 50 minutes of the game, and along with our chat with Pete Hines about the current state of the game, and what lies ahead.

Explore The Vault

Instead of being rushed out the Vault door like in other Fallout games, with hostile Vault-tec security or irradiated radroaches nipping at your heels, you're afforded the chance to calmly prepare yourself for the expedition on the surface. After creating your character and taking a quick photo of yourself for you nametag, you'll grab your new pip-boy and get to explore the vault at your leisure--and even interact with other players starting out as well.

Once you leave your room, be sure to examine every point of interest on your way up to the entrance. These stops will get you stocked up with new items and supplies, which includes a starting set of Perk Cards, purified water, and the all important C.A.M.P device--allowing you to build structures in the outside world. Around the Vault, you'll find various holotapes that tell you more about the residents of the bunker, which includes the vault Overseer who's gone missing. Once you're ready, make your way towards the exit of the Vault. Though rest assured, if at any time you want to return, the Vault's door will always be open to you--even allowing for fast travel at no cost.

Stick With The Beginning Story Missions

Once outside, you'll start the early missions of the main story. In an interesting approach that's different from past Fallout games, many of the tutorial segments take place in the open world. In a more trial-by-fire approach, you'll gradually learn more about the many systems at work while collecting a set of new weapons and supplies. Despite being given some basic survival items from the bunker, you're still an unprepared Vault Dweller in a new world, and you'll need to get new supplies fast in order to survive.

Though you may have the urge to get started on your adventure and explore on your own, it's really in your best interest to take on the early missions in the main quest. Right outside the Vault door is a Mr. Gusty robot, who will let you know where to go next in your quest to find the Overseer. Within the first 10 minutes of stepping outside, you'll acquire new weapons, armor, and get used to the more nuanced mechanics in Fallout 76. This will go a long way in helping you get your feet wet in the open world, and you'll still come across many side events and opportunities to take on.

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Building your character up from scratch is one of the hallmarks of the Fallout series, and 76 is no different. However, the early hours of Fallout 76 are not as generous as other games in the series, and it'll take time to gradually build up to the more familiar archetypes of previous games. But before you reach that point, you'll need to understand that you'll often have to work with what you have at your disposal--even if it's mostly scraps of items and word-down weapons that have seen better days. It's important for you to get out of your comfort zone and try out new methods and solutions for survival that you wouldn't normally take on in other games.

Rethink What Makes You SPECIAL

Given the more survivalist nature of Fallout 76, you'll have to be constantly on your toes and adapt to any situation that comes you way. The systems at work in-game allows for more flexibility, letting you refocus your character's strengths at anytime. Once you start leveling up, you'll be able to allocate SPECIAL points and gain new Perk Cards for your character. While all the SPECIAL points you invest are set in stone, the new perks you can set on your deck can be swapped out at any time.

As you increase in power from leveling up and acquiring new gear, you'll be able to flesh out your character in more interesting ways. Players that often favor firearms and explosives may find themselves in a position where they'll have to double down on melee weapons and hacking, and many of the perks you find will offer up some interesting buffs to make builds that were made on the fly seem worthwhile.

Group Up

Just outside of Vault 76, you'll encounter other players who have also started their journey. While you're totally free to explore on your own and take on whatever challenges that come from being a lone wanderer in West Virginia, there are many benefits to exploring in a group. When in a group, you and your squad can communicate with each other through voice-chat--though only in short-range--which will allow you to coordinate quests and how you'll clear our some of the more challenging locations housing Scorched, Ghouls, and Super Mutants. Though this is totally doable on your own, getting a group can lessen the hassle and spare some precious resources that you would end up spending on your own.

Grouping up in a Fallout game is still a new concept, so it's better to get a feel for it sooner rather than later. To team up with others, walk over to another player and invite them into a party. If they accept the invite, you'll partner up instantly. Up to four people can work together, with each member getting their own share of the loot. However, if you want to splinter off from the group and do your own thing, you're free to do so. If you've put a lot of distance between you and your group and want to return to them, you can open up the map and fast travel to a party member, allowing you to great distances without much hassle.

Always Be Collecting

Scavenging for junk items and gear is a normal part of your journey in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. While the cheap desk fans, baseballs, and plastic cups may not seem so valuable, breaking them down to basic materials can lead to crafting new weapons, armor, and support items. The screws from a desk fan for instance can be used to craft higher-end weapon and armor upgrades your paltry starting weapons, which will help even the odds when things get tough. Moreover, items can be gathered from the game world itself, including downed tree logs, which offer wood.

However, it's important not to get too greedy when exploring and junking all these items. With the deeper survival mechanics in place, every item you have in your inventory has a set weight. And with all those items added up, you'll likely find yourself overencumbered at the worst possible time. If you can't find a workbench to scrap items, you can always stay on the lookout for stash boxes, which are often located in residential areas, red rocket stations, or can be built with the C.A.M.P.. Despite this being an online game, you're not racing against others to scavenge the nearby ruins for junk. Every player will get their own haul of items, and you're never left empty handed after seeing another squad of vault dwellers rummage through a place.

Get Crafting and Stay Healthy

While there are plenty of supplies and new weapons to find in the field, these tools won't be in that great of a condition and you're much better off not leaving things to chance. The gear you create and modify with your own hands with the resources are what make the difference between surviving a shootout with Mole Miners or finding yourself face-first in the dirt.

Once you have those materials, it's best to start investing them into better items and supplies. Along with the weapon and armor workbenches, you'll need to utilize the cooking and chem stations to craft food, clean water, and healing items in order to stay healthy. While you certainly able to eat whatever stale food or use worn down weapons and armor, it all has to be done with caution. Poor weapons will breakdown fast, and dirty water and rotten food can lead to diseases and sickness for your characters--including the particularly nasty case of Radworms.

Take In The Sights

Starting out in the Western portion of the map, set in the Appalachian region, you're in a prime spot to branch out into the other parts of the West Virginian wilderness. Your map is one of the most valuable resources you have, which highlights many of the major attractions in the area--akin to an amusement park guide. But in between those major points of interests, there are many different areas that house valuable loot, interesting story details, and some usual monsters to fight. Moreover, you'll often find events and side-missions while exploring, which can open up some interesting diversions.

While the entire map is free to explore at the beginning, it would be best not to branch out too far into other regions. Here are some interesting locations that you can explore in the early hours of Fallout 76, all located in reasonable distance from the Vault

- Top of the World Ski Lodge: Located in the center of the map on top of a mountain, making it one of the highest spots in game. Resembling an old-school, gimmicky resort, this ski-lodge now houses bloatflies and Super Mutants. When exploring this site, you'll also be able to find one of the game's more unusual melee weapons known as the Ski Sword.

- The Greenbrier Resort: Found just south of the ski lodge, this resort is an extremely ritzy location that feels more like a time capsule than a ruin. With an army of Protectrons maintaining the grounds and keeping nasty foes out, the resort is in surprisingly good condition having survived more than twenty years of no activity. While exploring the inside, you will find mobs feral ghouls, all of whom have kept their attachment to the posh lifestyle of their past lives.

- Horizon's Rest: Located just west of the Top of the World ski lodge, this ruined plane has been converted into a multi-level living quarters for survivors. However, the owners have since abandoned it, leaving behind an armory filled with weapons, ammo, and armor for anyone who's able to find the clues to unlock it.

Challenge Another Player

Once you reach level 5, Fallout 76's player vs player gameplay will open up. Despite every character coming from the same Vault, where they shared safety and comfort from the outside elements, all previous friendships formed in the bunker are tossed by the wayside. While you're not committed to taking part in PVP, you may come across a relentless player who's got their eye on you. When another person attacks you, they will only deal chip damage to your character--a small fraction of their actual attack power. However, it does add up over time, and they can kill you if you've lost enough health--or if they just happen to catch you after a nasty scrape with some monsters.

If this happens, you have several options at your disposal; you can fast-travel away from them, block them, or even try to engage them in a fight. The later option can go a number of different ways, especially if you're up against a stronger player, but it lead to interesting results--the winner takes any junk items that their opponent had upon their defeat. Since this is a first for the series, you may want to try out player combat as early as you can to get a feel for it. While you can usually avoid PVP, there may come a situation where dueling could work out for you, especially if they're an underleveled annoyance. However, it's usually in your best interest to keep fights clean. If you ambush others and take them out with chip damage--with the other player not fighting back--you'll be marked as a murderer and left with a large target on your back for others to see.

Take Your Time

To put it bluntly, Fallout 76 features the largest map of the series--there is no way you'll experience many of the game's more defining events during the early hours. With so much ground to cover, it's a good thing to take your time and soak up all the details during the beginning of your journey. While many players will be eager to dive into the questline dealing with the nukes, which Bethesda have been teasing since the game's reveal, this is an event that will take several hours to work up to. Moreover, many of these quests will require high-end gear, such as power armor and high end, as it puts you face to face with some of the game's most dangerous monsters, including 76's new elite foe known as the Scorchbeast.

Once you've amassed an arsenal of weapons, supplies, and strengthened your character to a point where you can handle many of the tougher challenges, you'll be able to venture out into West Virginia's more notorious areas, which includes the Savage Divide and The Mire. But you're better off taking things slow, and enjoying yourself until that time comes.

Fortnitemares Challenge Guide Part 3: Cube Brutes, Corrupted Areas, And More

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 11:04 pm

Part 3 of the Fortnitemare event is now available, which means there's new challenges for Fortnite players on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android to complete. For those that may not have been keeping up with the game, Fortnitemares is a Halloween event that sees Kevin the Cube spawning zombie-like creatures called "Cube Monsters." Along with this PvE style twist on gameplay, there's new cosmetics to unlock, with the ultimate goal of getting the Dark Engine Glider for completing all four sets of challenges.

Part 3 of the Fortnitemare challenges asks players to destroy 25 Cube Brutes, do 2,000 points of damages to Cube Monsters using Explosive Weapons, search seven chests in the corrupted areas dotted around the island, and visit Wailing Woods. The final challenge in that set is a multi-parter, which the second stages revealing itself once you make your way to Wailing Woods. Each of the challenges will get you 500 XP and, once they're all done, the rare Virulent Flames contrail.

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Fortnitemare Part 3 Challenges

  • Destroy Cube Brutes (25) -- 500 XP
  • Deal damage with Explosive Weapons to Cube Monsters (2,000) -- 500 XP
  • Search chests in Corrupted Areas (7) -- 500 XP
  • Stage 1: Visit Wailing Woods (5) -- 500 XP

If you've missed previous weeks, you can find out more about them in our Fortnitemare Part 1 and Part 2 breakdowns. The event also includes some fresh cosmetics that can be purchased using V-Bucks from the in-game store. These include the Deadfire skin, which looks different depending on the damage you deal in a match and how long you're able to stay alive. Dark Shard pickaxe is also available in the store.

Fortnite update 6.20 ushered in the Fortnitemares and also introduced the new Six Shooter weapon to the game. The patch also gives players the ability to redeploy Gliders after they've landed on the Island. This is quite a big change to the way the game is played, and so it's currently in testing.

Free Codes For Castlevania Requiem: Symphony Of The Night And Rondo Of Blood Giveaway

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 10:38 pm

We're giving away PS4 codes for Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood to twenty-five (25) lucky fans! Scroll down to enter.

This is not an instant win. No purchase necessary. Competition ends at 12:00 PM PT on October 29, 2018, in which 25 winners will be chosen at random and emailed a code for the full game (MSRP: $20).

Enter below:

About the game:

Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood is a bundle of the classic titles, but re-formatted to feature modern game elements. Experience two of the greatest games from the Castlevania series as you make your way to the top of Dracula's castle as Richter Belmont - descendant of the famed clan of vampire hunters - in Rondo of Blood, or take the leading role as Dracula's son Alucard in Symphony of the Night. Enjoy the unique world, the epic classical music, and the side-scrolling action in Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood, exclusively for the PlayStation4.

Fun facts about Symphony of the Night:

  • The Jewel Knuckles are a powerful and quick weapon you can normally get in the Outer Wall once Alucard gains Form of Mist, however, you can get it as well as the Mirror Cuirass early. Once you enter the Outer Wall, go down and to the left to fight an Armor Lord. In the room he's guarding, destroy the wall for some food and hold down for about 20 seconds to be transported to the room with the items.
  • After completing the game, a few New Game bonuses will be unlocked if you enter the name RICHTER, AXEARMOR or X-X!V''Q before starting a new game.

Fun facts about Rondo of Blood:

  • After defeating a boss, don't think you're safe yet! Bosses have one final desperation attack that can still get you after you take out their HP meter.

Red Dead 2 Companion App Is Live, Here's How It Works

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 10:28 pm

Red Dead Redemption 2 has released, and along with it comes the mobile companion app. The app links up with your copy of the game and helps you keep track of your location with an interactive map, along with a handful of other features so you can take the Old West with you around in your pocket.

The map lets you set waypoints and track your position in real-time. Aside from that handy widget, you can also view the game journal, shop for clothing, check your game progress, and read the game manual. It also links up with Rockstar's Social Club. The app itself is free on both iOS and Android, but both versions offer a $10 in-app purchase of the official strategy guide. The social club integration may be a boon to your gang of outlaws when Red Dead Online launches in November.

Perhaps most significantly, the companion app's code includes references to PC, according to Rockstar Intel. Whether this signals the development of Red Dead 2 for PC remains to be seen, but it does provide those hoping for that to happen with some small reason to get excited.

If you're a no-good scoundrel in need of more creative methods of getting ahead in the world, check out our full list of known cheats. And keep in mind some of those side missions have a time limit and can expire if you don't get to them quickly enough.

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To get started on the right foot, check out our list of essential tips for beginners, and refresh yourself on the story from the first game. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a massive and ambitious game, and as noted in our review, it stands on its own even without knowing the details of John Marston's story.

"While Red Dead Redemption was mostly focused on John Marston's story, Red Dead 2 is about the entire Van der Linde gang--as a community, as an idea, and as the death rattle of the Wild West. It is about Arthur, too, but as the lens through which you view the gang, his very personal, very messy story supports a larger tale," wrote critic Kallie Plagge. "Some frustrating systems and a predictable mission structure end up serving that story well, though it does take patience to get through them and understand why. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an excellent prequel, but it's also an emotional, thought-provoking story in its own right, and it's a world that is hard to leave when it's done."

Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Hunting Guide: Animals, Pelts, And Where To Find Them

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 10:24 pm

In Red Dead Redemption 2, hunting can be a key part of exploration and survival in the vast open world. In addition to finding food and other necessary supplies, you'll be able to use materials taken from fallen prey to craft outfits and talismans, which unlock special perks that amplify Arthur's main attributes. As you travel, you may even stumble upon an elusive animal that other explorers have rarely seen. Your first encounter with such a beast will be the Legendary Grizzly Bear, which can offer up a legendary bear pelt if you're able take ti down.

These Legendary Animals can be found across the many regions of the map and take some extra effort to hunt. While some of these are small in stature, there are many that tower in size over Arthur and are quite dangerous in a fight. But if you're able to take them out, you'll acquire the means to craft some of the game's most valuable accessories and outfits. These particular animals offer the rarest pelts and materials you can find, which can be turned in to the local Trappers and Fences--those shady, black market dealers offering up some of the rarest goods. But rest assured, any materials that can't fit in your bags will be sent straight to the respective merchants.

In this feature, we're giving you all the details you need in order to track and hunt each of the game's Legendary Animals. If you want some extra tips for general survival and even fishing--which has its own set of Legendary Fish--be sure to check out our guides and features relating to each of Red Dead 2's most involved gameplay systems. Furthermore, be sure to check out our new weekly series QuickDraw, which focuses on the game's numerous gameplay features and along with a broader look on the impact of the Red Dead series.

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Legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear

Location: During the Chapter 2 story mission Exit Pursued By A Bruised Ego, you'll encounter your first Legendary Animal. While it's possible to take down the bear at this time, you can return later if you want better firepower. You can find it in Grizzlies East, north of the lake O'creah's Run.

Legendary Beaver

Location: This rare beaver is known to wander southwest of Butcher Creek, which is directly to the west of Van Horn Trading Post.

Legendary Bighorn Ram

Location: Living up to its name, this unusual ram can be found at Cattail Pond, just west of Valentine--the first town you come across in Chapter 2.

Legendary Boar

Location: The rare boar can be found in Bluewater Marsh, north of Lagras in the Lemoyne region.

Legendary Buck

Location: In the mountains northwest of Strawberry, you'll encounter this large buck.

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Legendary Bullgator

Location: First, you'll need to complete the Chapter 4 story mission Country Pursuits, which introduces you to the beast while showing you why it's so dangerous. Afterwards, you'll be able to encounter the massive gator in Bayou Nwa, west of Lakay--which is north of Saint Denis.

Legendary Cougar

Location: This fearsome feline can be found in Gaptooth Ridge, west of Tumbleweed.

Legendary Coyote

Location: The hunting grounds for this dangerous coyote can be found in Scarlett Meadows, northwest of Northwest of Rhodes and Southeast of the Old Mill.

Legendary Elk

Location: You can find this animal east of Bacchus Station in the Ambarino region--the northern section of the map.

Legendary Fox

Location: The fox can be found near Mattock Pond, just north of Rhodes in the Lemoyne region.

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Legendary Giaguaro Panther

Location: To encounter this incredibly dangerous animal, you'll first need to prove yourself as hunter by reaching the rank 9 challenge for Master Hunter. Afterwards, you'll find it roaming west of Shady Belle in Lemoyne. This is directly east of Braithwaite Manor.

Legendary Moose

Location: This massive moose can be seen in the area of Roanoke Ridge, which is near the northeastern corner of the map. Legendary Pronghorn Location: This rare antelope is found wandering in Rio Del Lobo Rock, just east of Fort Mercer in New Austin.

Legendary Tatanka Bison

Location: In New Austin, you can find this rare bison just southeast of the MacFarlane ranch at Hennigan's Stead.

Legendary White Bison

Location: You can find another rare bison at Lake Isabella, just north of Mount Hagen in Grizzlies West.

Legendary Wolf

Location: This elusive wolf can be found in Cotorra Springs, west of Bacchus Bridge in Ambarino.

Red Dead 2: How To Get Your Pre-Order Bonuses And Special Edition Content

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 10:23 pm

Red Dead Redemption 2 offers a bounty of goodies for pre-orders and its two special editions, but you'll have to wait before claiming many of them. The game's first chapter sets up many of the mechanics and story information you'll need, so you'll have to progress past at least that point before you can start to access your extras.

Keep in mind that in each of these cases, you'll also need to enter a code to enable the bonuses. Those codes can be found on slips included with your game disc. Even after entering the codes, though, the bonuses won't necessarily be accessible immediately. In case you're wondering where to find your loot, we've compiled a list of the goodies below.

War Horse -- The War Horse bonus is included with all pre-orders of Red Dead Redemption 2. It's accessible once you've progressed through the story mode enough to browse the available horses in the Stables.

Dappled Black Thoroughbred -- This special horse is included in Special and Ultimate editions. Like the War Horse, it's accessible once you can browse the Stables.

Eagle Talon Talisman and Iguana Scale Trinket -- Both of these bonuses are included in all Special and Ultimate editions, and they can be equipped at the start of Chapter 2. The Eagle Talon Talisman can be found in the Wardrobe and the Iguana Scale Trinket is in the Satchel under the Kit tab.

Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger Outfit -- This outfit is included in Special and Ultimate editions. You can access it through your Wardrobe after completing Chapter 1.

Volcanic Pistol, Pump Action Shotgun, and Lancaster Varmint Rifle -- These specialty guns are included with Special and Ultimate Editions. They can be picked up for free at any Gunsmith after completing Chapter 1.

Bank Robbery Mission and Gang Hideout -- These are both available for Special and Ultimate editions. The Del Lobos gang hideout can be found in the world during story progression. The Bank Robbery Mission will also be available through story progression, and the game will notify you when it becomes available. If you miss the opportunity, you can find it in the Story menu to replay it.

Red Dead 2 Guide: 15 Details & Tips The Game Doesn't Tell You

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 10:21 pm

The Wild, Wild West

Red Dead Redemption 2 presents players with what it easily Rockstar's most dynamic open-world adventure to date. Featuring a number of sophisticated systems and countless NPC characters to interact with, there are all sorts of encounters that await you in the game's expansive wild west setting. However, with a game of this scale, there are bound to be features that aren't stated clearly, even during the opening hours that serve as a tutorial of sorts.

We've come up with a list of details and tips that Red Dead Redemption 2 keeps somewhat hidden from players, which we found from our time experimenting with the many mechanics at work. Though much of overarching gameplay pillars are explained in the abstract during the game's tutorials and relevant missions, there always seems to be a bit more information that's set aside for later. And more often than not, you're bound to uncover these details when you least expect it.

We've got much more info and coverage on Red Dead Redemption 2 in the works. In the meantime, be sure to check out our full Red Dead 2 review on Rockstar's biggest open-world game to date, along with guides on how to make money and the best tips for new players. GameSpot is also currently running a new weekly series called QuickDraw, which highlights the series' impact on gaming, while also showing off just how in-depth Red Dead Redemption 2 gets.

Savor The Story

While the main story in Red Dead Redemption 2 has many exciting and heartfelt moments, we recommend indulging in as much of the side content and activities as you can before tackling the next major event. Over the course of the game, you'll see changes to the gang's camp, and several characters, including Charles, Lenny, and Javier, will have some missions for you to handle. These side-quests show up as white markers on your map--with the main missions showing up as yellow--and can lead to great rewards or interesting encounters for you to take part in. Unfortunately, several of these diversions are only available for a limited time, so make sure to do them as soon as you can. Some of the game's most heartfelt and humorous events can come from these missions, which you'll miss out on if you focus on the story. So take some time away from the main plot and chat with your comrades--you'll be glad you did.

Look To The Skies

When you're exploring the wilderness, you'll likely see smoke trails from campfire at a distance. These serve as an indicator for points of interests in the area, so heading to the source can open up unique encounters with the game's many strangers and traveling vagabonds. Most often the lone individuals you can find are friendly, even giving you supplies and tips on some locations you should keep an eye on, but other encounters can lead to violent stand-offs with rival gangs or disgruntled travellers. Regardless, there will always be something interesting to uncover once you reach a campsite.

Weight Watchers

When you're living a life as an outlaw--where sleeping in the dirt and getting into intense gunfights are the norm--it can be easy to lose track of Arthur's personal disposition. This becomes apparent when you notice that you're taking more damage than normal. Early on, the game introduces you to the concept of building up your health, stamina, and dead eye cores. However, depending on what Arthur eats, how often he does so, and what sort of physical exercise he gets, his base stats and cores will see some changes. These gains or losses are reflected by three distinct body types; average, underweight, and overweight, all of which have their own unique pros and cons.

When you're of average weight, your health and stamina cores will stay even. However if you find yourself underweight, you'll take slightly more damage, but gain a boost to stamina to compensate. If Arthur eats often and gets less exercise, which includes running, swimming, and getting into fist fights with the local ruffians, he'll become overweight, resulting in less stamina but an increase in damage absorption. Though you can keep track of Arthur's physical status in the Player menu, you can also watch Arthur during his idle animations. Depending on what his weight is, his posture and demeanor will adjust to reflect his current build.

With all that said, Red Dead Redemption 2 is all about letting you build out the protagonist how you see fit. So if you want a skinny or plump character, then you go ahead and make sure Arthur lives his best, most indulgent life.

High Risk, High Rewards

Whether it's from ransacking a homestead or scavenging from dead animals, you'll likely stumble upon some items that the local merchants will refuse to take off your hands. These items can fill up your satchel fast--giving you the impression that they may better placed in the dirt-but they may fetch a high price from a select set of merchants happy enough to buy them from you. To offload these items of dubious origins, you'll need to visit a Fence--essentially a black market dealer who sells and trades some of Red Dead Redemption 2's most valuable items.

In a variety of locations across the map--including Rhodes, Emerald Ranch, and Saint Denis--these merchants can be found in their own shops, tucked away from the popular areas of town. These Fences will also sell support items, throwable weapons, and recipes, and can also craft rare talismans and trinkets from Legendary Animal materials, which offer unique perks to Arthur's main cores. Moreover, there are also Fences that deal primarily in stolen wagons and horses, which also yield a solid cash return. So when you arrive to a new area, make sure you know where to find the local shady dealer.

Do A Barrel Roll

During combat, there may come a time where you need to get out of the line of fire fast. While aiming your weapon, press the action button (Square on PS4, or X on Xbox One) to perform an evasive dodge. Depending on which direction you hold the control stick while pressing, Arthur will dive or roll away from danger. While this can evoke some flashbacks to the Max Payne series' iconic gun battles, the dodge roll is purely an evasive maneuver--so no shooting while diving, unfortunately.

When Horses Attack

Red Dead Redemption 2 is essentially a Wild West Grand Theft Auto, but hijacking a new transport will take a bit more effort than simply pressing a button. The horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be very temperamental and get stirred up very easily--especially in the presence of predators in the wilderness. When approaching a new steed, you'll need to calm it down in order to safely get near it. Horses aren't afraid to defend themselves, and if you try approaching a wild mare or someone else's animal from its backside, it won't hesitate in readying a fierce kick to keep you at bay.

Your Guns, Your Style

The members of the Van der Linde gang are all capable gunslingers, and this is especially true of Arthur. With some impressive handling of all sorts of firearms, which includes pistols, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns, the main character isn't shy about showing off more of his particular style. While at a weapon shop, you can customize your weapons in a number of ways, including adding new barrels, paint work, wrapping--to decrease degradation--and even place some stylish decals on your firearms. Though some of these customization options won't offer any tactical advantage whatsoever, they can go a long way in helping you define your own take on Arthur and his legend. And if you really want to show off some flair after an intense gunfight, double tap the holster button (L1 on PS4, LB on Xbox One) to put your pistol away in style.

Relive The Glory Days

Much like the original Red Dead Redemption, the prequel features a number of main missions that will show off many exciting and emotional moments. But in Red Dead Redemption 2, you're given the ability to replay these pivotal moments and re-experience the game's most interesting encounters at any time. After the end of each mission, you'll receive a ranking on your performance based on how long it took and whether or not you completed the side objectives. If you feel you can do better, or if you just want to see a badass moment again, you can do redo the mission by going into the Progress sub-menu and selecting the Story option. You'll see your current place in the main plot, along with a listing of previously completed missions from each chapter, which can be replayed at your leisure.

Hunting The Best Game

Though the hunting gameplay in Red Dead Redemption 2 takes many cues from the original, it now requires a far more thoughtful and careful approach. In addition to the 178 animals featuring their own backgrounds and unique methods to take them down in a hunt, the wildlife comes in three different ranks--poor, good, and perfect. While you'll often get the basics from any animals regardless of quality, you'll need to ensure that you're hunting above average prey in order to get the best pelts possible. To see whether the animal you're hunting is worth the effort, make sure to study it at a distance first, which will give you clues on how best to hunt it. After doing so, you'll see a set of stars next to its name on the HUD. If you find yourself on the trail of an animal with only one star, you should look elsewhere in the area for something better.

A More Immersive Experience

If you're itching for a more personal Red Dead Redemption 2, you can adjust the game and its look to offer a more involved experience that will keep you on your toes. Along with the game's first-person view mode, which allows players to experience the entire game in this perspective, you'll also be able to customize aspects of the HUD and gameplay, stripping away most on-screen indicators and tweaking the controls to your liking. With no HUD, you'll have to pay attention to more details in the environment, as well as remember the clues that NPCs give you. Though if you still want to use an aid to get around, Rockstar has a companion app for Red Dead Redemption 2 to offer players additional help.

Takedown The Big Targets With Ease

When hunting, you may find some larger targets that are more difficult to get a bead on. If you're having a difficult time getting a clear shot or keeping your prey from moving, you can always try lassoing it up. Despite this going counter to stalking and hunting prey the old-fashioned way, it's still a surprisingly effective way to get a hold of your target. If you're able to get close enough it, you'll also be to use your hunting knife to give it a quick death, which counts as a clean kill. However, this is only effective on medium to larger sized animals, as smaller game will be able to slip out of the rope easily.

Showing Your True Colors

In Red Dead Redemption 2, every choice you make with Arthur feeds back into the game's overarching Honor system. Depending on the type of character you play, whether as a likeable outlaw or a ruthless gunslinger, you'll witness changes to Arthur's behavior and to the game's presentation. If you're of high honor, not only will you receive some discounts from stores, the tone of your journal entries will be more upbeat, and the style of killcams you'll get will be more in the style of old-school westerns. If you're a particularly decent fellow, and want to make some solid gains on the honor system, take a stroll down the street in a populated area of town and greet the locals. You'll quickly earn some positive vibes from the townsfolk.

However, if you find yourself playing more of a cutthroat, kill-cams will be more violent, your responses to NPCs will be more snide, characters will always be on the lookout for you, and the tone of your journal will be more cynical and off-putting. Each side has its own set of advantages, and it's all up to you in how you want others to view Arthur.

Look After Your Loot

As you're exploring the wilderness on your horse, it's all but inevitable that you'll take a nasty spill. While these brutal wipeouts can often be humorous, they can result in some serious consequences. In addition to causing harm to both Arthur and his mare, you'll also drop all items that placed on the back of your trusty steed--which temporarily holds pelts and small game. This won't be an issue that often, but there may be some cases where you'll crash out on a hill or in a rocky place, which will make it easy to lose track of those precious supplies. This can be especially devastating if you spent a great deal of time hunting animals, only to have lost the pelt and bodies when crashing head-first into a tree. So if you crash your horse, make sure to collect yourself and all your belongings before you ride off.

Taking In The Sights

Red Dead Redemption 2's cinematic camera mode can offer you the chance to view the sweeping vistas of the game's world in a different light. With a dynamic camera, you'll get to see Arthur and his crew ride across the landscape with some breathtaking sights in the backdrop. However, controlling the character during the cinematic mode can be somewhat problematic, thanks to the shifting camera. Thankfully, Rockstar included a subtle feature to make movement much easier in the cinematic mode. By holding down the X/A button in this special camera mode, Arthur and his horse will stick to the trail, automatically turning and making corners when needed. If you have a particular destination set on the map, either for a story mission or a waypoint, the game will guide Arthur to that location as well.

Prime Fishing Time

When taking up the fishing activity, there may be some cases where you won't get many bites. While it's important to make sure you're using the correct bait and lures for the location you're in, and that your fishing technique is correct, another factor to consider is the current time in the day. Depending on when you decide to head out, you'll see a different amount of activity in the lake, pond, or river. To get the best results during a fishing activity, try to stick with early morning and afternoon time in-game. Also, fishing during a rainstorm will increase the activity of the aquatic animals a bit further.

The Best Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats To Use For Some Extra Fun

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 10:17 pm

While Red Dead Redemption 2 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One takes place in a very realistic world where many dynamic, and engrossing systems play off one another, this is a Rockstar game. As such, there are plenty of opportunities to engage in dumb and ridiculous fun. Beyond what you can make happen on your own, much like the original game, you can access a variety of cheat codes in the game to enhance and fundamentally alter aspects of your to suit your needs. Though we strongly recommend finishing the main story and seeing all the key events before trying out these codes out, you're free to use those to your liking at any time (though some codes do require advancing to a certain point in the story first).

In order to start messing around with these codes, you'll need to input the key phrases into the Cheats menu--which is accessible in the Settings option in the pause menu. While many of these codes can be used at any time, many of these options will require some extra effort to unlock. As of now, we haven't discovered all of them, and several of them will needed to be unlocked after acquiring specific newspapers from the various towns throughout the game. However, before you activate these cheats, you'll need to know that doing so will deactivate all Achievements and Trophies for your save game after the initial use. So before you go crazy with these codes, be sure to make a separate save file.

And with that, here's our quick list of some of the best codes to use. Though if you want to know more about Rockstar's open world western, go check out our Red Dead Redemption 2 review. Though if you're looking for tips and other details to learn, check our essential guide for newcomers, and along with our round up of interesting details that the game doesn't tell you about.

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Drunk On Command

By inputting the phrase "A fool on command" in the cheats menu, you'll unlock the Drunk option. This will instantly make Arthur intoxicated, resulting in him wobble about as he struggles to stand up straight. You'll even get an occasional odd comment from him as he wanders down the street or insolation while in the wilderness. While enabled, this will keep the main character perpetually drunk. But if you've had enough, you can deselect the option to return Arthur to his sober self--and all without the nasty hangover.

A Horse Ride Is Only A Whistle Away

As you're gradually building a bond with your new steed, you'll notice that whistling for your horse will only work within fairly short distances. If you don't have time to invest in building up your bond to increase the distance, you can input the code "Better than my dog" to get it to come to you at anytime, regardless of where you are on the map. This can be quite handy when you're traveling the great distances and you can't be bothered to backtrack to where you last left them.

That New Horse Smell

However, if you feel you deserve a stronger and more able-bodied stallion to help you cover great distances, the code "Run! Run! Run!" will do just the trick. After activating this code, you'll instantly spawn a prized race horse for Arthur to ride. As Red Dead Redemption 2 features a large variety of different horses, this particular mare is naturally adept at getting from A to B quickly.

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A New, Rejuvenated You

After spending so much time traveling in the wilderness and getting into dangerous scrapes with many of the gangs roaming the land, you'll often find yourself in rough shape. If you need a pick-me-up fast, then enter the cheat "You flourish before you die" to fully restore Arthur's main cores. Once you're top shape, you'll be able to dive right back into your adventure in no time.

Guns, Lots Of Guns

When you're living life as a bandit, the difference between seeing another day and laying face-first in the dirt could down to what weapon you're holding in your hand. So if you want to upgrade your own hardware to even the odds, use the code "Greed is American Virtue" to unlock a new set of weapons for the traveling outlaw. Once activated you'll find the Pump-Action Shotgun, Mauser Pistol, Semi-Automatic Pistol, and Bolt-Action Rifle sitting in your inventory. To unlock this cheat for use, you'll need to finish the Advertising, the New American Art mission in Chapter 3, and then acquire a newspaper in the town of Rhodes.

All The Ammo You Need

Red Dead Redemption 2 prides itself on on offering semi-realistic world where survival is dependent on the resources you have. However, there may come a time where you wish that ammo was in more plentiful supply. If that ever happens, all you'll need to do is use the cheat "Abundance is the dullest desire" in the menu, which is unlocked after picking up the newspaper in Valentine during Chapter 2. Once activated, all ammo will come in unlimited supply, and you can keep firing off your weapons without worrying to count your bullets.

WWE Evolution: The History Of The Women's Revolution

By Anonymous on Oct 28, 2018 09:52 pm

Today, sports entertainment company, WWE, will host its first-ever all-women's PPV, Evolution. It's latest step in a multi-year building process of getting the female superstars to the same level of prestige and respect as the male superstars.

The simple narrative is never the correct one; there was no single, landmark event that put the WWE on notice and changed women's wrestling forever. It's a series of smaller events--a little sacrifice here and a risky decision there--that coalesced into what we now call the Women's Evolution. The word "evolution" is perfect because it's a movement still in progress. And fans must continue insisting upon progress, lest it slide back to the way things were.

For your edification and enjoyment, here is a timeline of the WWE Women's Evolution, which captures all the key moments that leads to Sunday's PPV. If you liked this gallery, check out the Top 10 Women's Matches in WWE History and our ranking of every woman on Raw and Smackdown. Read the match card and our predictions for the Evolution PPV. And be sure to visit Gamespot on Sunday, October 28, when we cover the entire event live.

1. Sara "Death Rey" Amato Gets Hired

One of the first significant events in the women's evolution got no mainstream press. It was the hiring of Sara Amato in 2012.

A gifted indie wrestler who trained under the the guidance of Daniel Bryan, Amato was versed in multiple styles, from British catch wrestling to Japanese strong style. Her students praise her as an encouraging role model who teaches through positive reinforcement at the WWE Performance Center. When fans watch Carmella, Charlotte Flair, or Alexa Bliss rolling and flipping in the ring, they can thank Amato for her innovative training, some of which you can see in this clip.

2. WWE Crowns The First NXT Women's Champion

WWE held a bracketed tournament to determine their first NXT Women's Champion. And Paige emerged victorious, beating Tamina, Alicia Fox, and Emma to clinch the title. It was a fight of contrast; Emma's bubbly, off-beat quirkiness versus Paige's take-no-prisoners, black leather attitude. And as a whole, the tournament foreshadowed great things to come. What these women lacked in polish, they made up for with grit.

3. Paige Debuts on Raw

In Paige's Raw debut, the Diva of Tomorrow fought and defeated AJ Lee, becoming the youngest Divas champion in history; she was only 21 (she was only 13 when she started wrestling for her family's promotion). WWE had given her a challenge, and she rose to it, successfully defending the title for 85 days before losing it back to AJ Lee.

4. Rise Of The Four Horsewomen

Paige was the most successful NXT woman in Raw; Emma was stuck in a go-nowhere gimmick with Santino Marella, and Summer Rae was in a holding pattern as Fandango's new dance partner. And while all this was going on, the next crop of NXT graduates was blossoming: Sasha Banks, Bayley, Charlotte Flair, and Becky Lynch. Collectively, they referred to themselves as the Four Horsewomen, a tribute to Ric Flair's legendary stable the Four Horsemen.

They fought incredible match after incredible match in every possible permutation. A huge moment for all four women came at NXT Takeover: Fatal 4-Way, when all four women were in the ring together, each fighting for the NXT Women's Championship. Charlotte won and retained the title, establishing her as the first breakout star of the group.

5. The 30-Second Raw Match

This match from the February 23, 2015 episode of Raw is notable--not for what it is, but for what it isn't. Paige and Emma fought the Bella Twins in a match that only lasted 30 seconds of a three-hour show. Social media blew up and turned #GiveDivasAChance into a trending hashtag. WWE was forced to re-evaluate its priorities and respond to the fans' protestations. Several months later, the answer came, in the form of a massive NXT call-up.

6. Stephanie McMahon Announces a Revolution

By July 2015, Charlotte Flair, Sasha Bank, and Becky Lynch has matured as performers, to the point where they were ready to be called up to the main roster. Stephanie McMahon announced the start of a "Revolution" and introduced the three newest Divas to the Raw audience. They promptly attacked Team Bella, locking in their respective submission finishers, and brought the crowd to its feet.

7. Three Factions Battle, Then Break Up

Next were some growing pains. Sasha was still the NXT Women's Champion at the time of her call-up, so she had to split her time between NXT and the main roster; she dropped the title to Bayley (in an epic confrontation) at that year's NXT Takeover: Brooklyn. Meanwhile, WWE decided to break the new women off into factions. Becky and Charlotte were joined with Paige to become Team PCB, and Sasha Banks was placed with Naomi and Tamina to become Team BAD.

Thus, all three women were stuck in a revolving door of tag matches with Team Bella. They wouldn't get to shine until they broke up to pursue solo careers.

Charlotte was the first of the three; she won the Divas Championship from Nikki Bella at Night of Champions (2015) and held it for 96 days, until the belt was retired at Wrestlemania 32.

8. No One Is Ready for Asuka

While all this was happening, Japanese superstar Asuka made her debut on NXT, first defeating Dana Brooke and then defeating Emma. She was a whirlwind of aggression, with a creepy smile, an eclectic mask collection, and a walk to the ring that was half-celebratory, half-staggering.

She went undefeated for 523 days, a longer streak than Goldberg's during his first run in WCW. Asuka brought a new level of prestige to the women's division, and she affirmed the "international" part of WWE's expansion goals.

9. Wrestlemania Show Stealers

At Wrestlemania 32, WWE Legend Lita unveiled the WWE Women's Championship belt, ditching the "Diva" moniker and the bedazzled butterfly design for something a little more understated and classy.

This was also the beginning of a new annual tradition--of the women outright stealing the show and the spotlight from the men at the biggest show of the year. At WrestleMania 32, the best match on the card was Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch. At Wrestlemania 33, the women had the second strongest match: a Fatal 4-Way between Bayley, Sasha, Charlotte, and Nia Jax.

And at Wrestlemania 34, the women had the two best matches on the show: a mixed tag match with Ronda Rousey, Kurt Angle, Stephanie McMahon, and Triple H, and a championship dream match between Charlotte and Asuka.

10. Two Years of Bliss

From 2016-2017, Alexa Bliss was at the top of the women's division and a champion on both Raw and Smackdown. Smaller than all of her peers, Bliss played the underdog, a feat that was particularly difficult because she was also a heel. She outsmarted her opponents rather than cheating to win; she may not have been the strongest or the most athletic, but she got the job done.

Different women, with different body types and strategies, could succeed equally. A wrestler like Alexa Bliss could become a decorated champion, so long as she used her cunning and played to her strengths.

11. 'Mella is Money!

Carmella became the first Miss Money in the Bank in 2017, and it happened under a lot of controversy. The first women's Money in the Bank Ladder match was at the eponymous pay-per-view, and Carmella's valet a the time, James Ellsworth, was the one who unhooked the briefcase from the ceiling and tossed it to her.

Fans balked; a man had given his woman the win in the first groundbreaking match of its type? The backlash was so great, that the women redid the match on Smackdown that week, and this time, Carmella won cleanly. Months later, she cashed in the briefcase on Charlotte to win her first world title. The fans wanted real progress, not token progress.

12. The First Women's Royal Rumble

The first Women's Royal Rumble main evented the PPV, and it was a perfect mixture of past (Trish Stratus), present (Asuka), and future (Ember Moon). It was well-paced, with just the right number of nostalgic callbacks to be fun instead of hokey. Asuka won, and deservedly so; she subsequently faced Charlotte Flair for the Smackdown Women's Championship at Wrestlemania 34.

13. The Rise of Rousey

Ronda Rousey, like Brock Lesnar before her, brings real-world legitimacy to the WWE. Perhaps owing to her OIympics background--she is, quite literally, in the 1% of the 1% of professional athletes. She's taken to wrestling like a duck takes to water. Every time we see her, she has a new move, and it all moves and transitions together so smoothly. She is the current Raw Women's champion, and she will be taking on Nikki Bella in the main event at the WWE Evolution PPV.

The women have made incredible progress in a relatively short amount of time. They're main eventing Raw. They're main eventing PPVs. Perhaps the biggest prize of all--main eventing Wrestlemania--isn't far behind.

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